Do you know anyone like this?
Asked by
Val123 (
March 27th, 2010
“I am a devout Christian and it just pisses me off that Obama would ask me to help those who are poorer and less fortunate than me!!!!
Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have to go to church and pray for those poor souls who are less fortunate than me. I also have to start packing for a trip to Mexico where I’m going to minister to, and help, the poor people there. I’m gonna give a tiny, tiny bit of my savings to them too, because I’M a Christian. (Did you know they have some great beaches in Mexico?)”
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19 Answers
Sin today, be forgiven tomorrow, and then do it all over again. Must be nice.
Talk about how concerned one is when it comes to poverty, while stuffing one’s face at the dinner table.
I know plenty of people who never do dick beyond their claims, and that probably includes me, too. It’s not just a Christian thing, despite that saving up for Heaven with minimal effort seems a Christian trait.
And then all the reasons that people bring up in order to dismiss or eschew certain people or their conditions when their religion dictates, otherwise, that they should be helped…they asked for it! They got themselves in this shit themselves! They did drugs! One of em’s gay! Why should I help, when I can judge. That’s all the fuckin help they need….God will bring down His sword and judge Man when He sees fit, and not when Man decides to.
Or something?
I read a whole rant from someone I’m friends with on facebook (we went to college together) all about how the government shouldn’t tell him what to do with his body because he is capable of making his own health decisions. Then, he went on to denounce the bill because it can open the door to federal funding for abortion in the future, and abortion is so wrong.
I had to walk away from the computer in order to avoid posting a reply, asking why he thinks he is capable of making his own decisions about his body and health but women aren’t. And he’s a pastor.
You can’t reason or argue with people like that. They don’t change their minds, aren’t open to other points of view, and sometimes respond with hostility when they are questioned or faced with information that is contrary to what they believe. It isn’t just a Christian thing.
@MissAusten Facebook is what prompted this. I hooked up with a long time friend whom I haven’t really seen in several years, and all she talks about is how Christian she is. Then she went to to slam the bill. One of her also-Christian friends said, “I just heard that there is something in the bill that will require us to have micro chips implanted….” Sheesh! I told her I could get a copy of the bill, which she can cut and paste in to Word, and she could do a word search. I said I was sure there would be no mention of something like that in there!
We call those hypocrites.
Huh? That was entirely confusing. The person will help out everyone except American’s without healthcare? And how does Obama’s request differ from her own personal Christian belief in helping out?
Fortunately I don’t know anyone like this. But I do know people who are not fans of the health care bill (although I admittedly am a fan). In fact my sister’s mother and a good friend of mine got in a heated debate on my facebook page over it. I just left it alone.. lol.
Hey, people aren’t consistent. They’re mostly fear-driven. Not us, of course. We’re sensible! All of us! Yay fluther!
Teaparty diary entry. The next page reads I have to picket City Hall for raising taxes so I’m glad they have repaved our street. I will be wearing my gun on my hip like the Constitution tells me to and I need to to put a new handle on my WWJD? sign. My Congressman voted for healthcare reform so I went down to throw rocks at the Federal building. Unfortunately I threw my back out. Thank heavens I opted for a prescription benefit on Medicare. Next tine I’ll just crank call his office.
Sure do. They are so full of sh**.
I’m not one to take the side of crazy people, but she is making a very fine distinction. She has problems with government “forcing” her to do things, b/c she doesn’t think government has the authority to do so. She’s fine if she was able to do it herself without the government telling her what to do. She’s not being inconsistent, just holier-than-thou-false-piousness.
This sounds just like a group of people having their yearly convention in Las Vegas.
I should clarify…..........Baptist Convention.
Could they have not chosen a better location, than Sin City, to have their convention?
Wonder how many will drop a quarter into a slot machine, while they are there??
Sounds like you need a sabbatical.
Ha ha! Good question. Yes, I know people like that. They are not only hypocritical but clueless to their own behavior. What can you do but walk away disgusted, too annoyed to comment or try to correct them unless in jest, for our own amusement
You’re articulating the difference between Christianity and Christians.
This is probably the main reason I avoid religion as much as I do – “Christians” are hypocritical (and I DO NOT mean all, just a very large portion) and I want no association with that. Their teachings include “thou shall not judge” but I’ve met some of the most extremely judgmental, pompous Christians out there. Most think they deserve some sort of special treatment or the “right of way” just because they go to church for an hour every Sunday. So annoying. @Siren Well said. Correcting or trying to rebuttal them is more or less just a waste of time.
Be a Christian because you not only know your faith but you accept, follow, practice and respect it – not for the title or approval of others.
@Disc2021 And I’ve known Christians who assume non of their opinions or actions can ever be WRONG because they believe they have God on their side in all things…..
@Disc2021: And everyone: Just to clarify, I am not referring to any religious group when I made that comment, but to clueless, hypocritical and ignorant people in general. I have faith (pun intended) that there are more God-fearing and non-hypocritical Christians (Jews and Muslims and other faiths and non-faiths) than the opposite. In fact, I believe there are currently more good people than bad, or else the world would be in even greater chaos than it is today.
Regarding these types, you just can’t reason with them (note their expression of glazed disbelief if you ever try to correct or admonish). That’s why I usually just give up and walk away.
@Siren I agree with you on that. But, as always, it’s the hypocrites that scream the loudest.
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