He asked me for something but was facing my friend?
He does this sometimes. He is more of an acquaintance than friend,
but he flirts a bit with me by teasing me about things i really enjoy his company.
This sounds like a random situation,
but a number of times when he has asked for something, like a book or whatever random item, he comes up to me and I am sitting next to a friend (it was a different friend each time) he will hold his hand out for whatever he wants (like you do) but he will sort of face away from me, towards the other person sitting next to me, so much so the friend i was next to last time commented on it
“Why are you facing me when you’re asking her for something?”
and he was a little surprised and was like
“No look im facing her, see”
and kind of shifted his body towards me and held his hand out in my direction deliberately, but he sort of looked uncomfortable doing it, and it was a big difference to the way he was standing before.
When we do talk we get on, but is there anything to this weird little thing he does? Why wont he face me directly? It was really odd because if you are talking to someone or asking someone for something, you face them, not someone else, it is just confusing otherwise.
I am just interested why, im too biased to give an objective view.
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23 Answers
Between the two questions, it appears this kid has a lot of odd quirks. To me, that would get really annoying, really fast.
Maybe he thinks he’s being cute, maybe he doesn’t know what else to talk about… either way, he’s putting up a front for a reason. I’d want to find out whether he has any brains behind the bizarrely vague joke comments.
This is one of the advantages girls have over boys. Boys often have no idea they are putting out body language, nor that girls are noticing and thinking about it. But it probably doesn’t exist in his conscious thoughts – he probably has no idea about it. My guess is he is attached to the idea of you liking him, and nervous about it and so subconsciously avoiding going directly at you, to protect himself. Unless it’s always the same friend, in which case maybe he’s actually attracted to her. But it might mean nothing of the kind, and I highly doubt he’s aware he’s doing it or that you could be reading meanings into it. Or that I could be reading meanings into it because you posted it on the Internet. LOL. Poor boy. ;-) If you really enjoy his company then I would suggest making it more obvious to him. He doesn’t read your body language either.
To Zaku, I would think maybe he had a thing for my friend IF IT WAS THE SAME FRIEND EVERYTIME.
But its not.. so I can’t come to that conclusion, hence I’m asking this question.
Perhaps he finds you intimidating, and though he can form the words correctly to speak to you, he can’t deliver them comfortably.
Maybe I’m misinterpreting this, but it looks to me like he’s flirting with the person you’re sitting next to.
From my opinion I would say he is maybe shy….
Ha. My son (he’s now 28) used to stand in the bathroom doing nothing. Once we were in a hurry to go somewhere and I said, would you get out of the bathroom? He said, “I’m not in the bathroom!” We talked about it for weeks, and I’m not sure he ever got it.
Go figure.
@TheOnlyException Ya that he was interested in your friend was a long shot of course only if it was the same friend.
Sounds to me like, Snap, snap. You, servant, hand me the book.
Maybe he’s shy. Maybe he’s self-confident about something. Maybe he has insecurities. Wait it out and see if this is a stage or a personality trait.
You will meet someone with better social interaction skills hopefully.
Give him a chance and see how things work out
Don’t say anything, but don’t hand it to him. Eventually he will have to look at you because you aren’t handing him the object. Stay with it, and you will get him over this behavior.
@PandoraBoxx that is a good idea. It is a really annoying habit of his, but i dont want to be rude and call him out on it because he is a really lovely guy.
Just a thought. Is it possible this man is severely vision impaired? Perhaps he comes up knowing you are sitting there with your friend, but can’t tell which one you are? Maybe he’s embarrassed to acknowledge his problem, and tries to cover it up. It sounds plausible to me.
If he’s also deaf in one ear, he wouldn’t be able to tell direction of sound, and thus he would have trouble even facing you when he’s talking to you.
@snowberry your answer is perfectly reasonable thank you for that. but this guy has no disability/partial disability that i know of, which is why i was wondering about his behaviour. thanks again for your input :)
Hmm… he has a crush on you and maybe you are also interested in you him hahaha. But be careful of this sort of man. One day if he was ever jealous on you, he would flirt other woman in front of you purposely but never said anything to you. He would take revenge on by asking you out but treat other ladies except you. Immature GUY! and mostly a player (if he has a good look).
@schna Nice answer :p
But I don’t think he is a player. I have someone of my own (a new development since I asked this question), but regardless I was/ am still curious about his, well, curious behaviour.
He is not a shy man. He will talk to anyone and be the one to approach them, I always thought he was quite confident and relaxed, the sort of person everyone wants to be and he is in no way arrogant to top it off.
If this is what is considered ‘shy’ behaviour, I don’t want to be doing anything to make him shy, I want people to be comfortable around me.
Thanks again for your answer.
Haha.. what i answered was based on my own experience. He (the man i knew) was even worst, when he wanted to scold people, he would not star to the person but others. He was good-looking, good position, very confident and classy. But one day when he knew another guy had bought me dinner, he took revenge by borrowing my discount card and did the same thing. If he wanted to arrange an event and wanted me to join, he would invite others first then in the end myself (he faked it, for his own ‘face’), later he was sad and angry coz i turned it down. He would ensure it was ME ‘who seemed’ to initiate everything, but he wouldn’t do it to other girls. If i said i liked something, he would buy for other girls and waited for me to ask from him. Of course sometimes he was very ‘naughty’ to me, but i never cared about that kind of man.
If you like him, make sure he is not sort of guy i knew before. Check on this, when he is going to leave the place that you both met, check with your feeling, does he seems to leave ‘easily’, i mean like your emotional jar still half-way full but he leaves the scene immediately? Do you ever feel he is leaving too fast or he seems to spend more time with you? A man that spends more time with you without trying to fake it ( make an excuse with other reason), is a man that will make you happy :)
@schna he spends a lot of time with me trying to make me laugh and making fun of little things which is nice, I love being around him. But he acts odd like this sometimes which throws me off. He doesn’t play around with other girls or anything like you mentioned your guy did. He just seems to be a bit odd around me which makes me wonder what I am doing wrong and seems to reverse all the time we have spent getting closer and bonding.
Thanks again for your answer :)
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