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Ame_Evil's avatar

Can I leave my cake out of the fridge even if the frosting has milk/cream in it?

Asked by Ame_Evil (3051points) March 27th, 2010

So yeah, I made a chocolate cinnamon cake today and I added cream and some milk to the frosting. Is it ok if I leave it outside of the fridge (at room temperature), or would I need to stick it in the fridge because it has milk/cream in? I only used a small amount (just over 2 tablespoon), so would that matter? I know that when you use cream cheese or anything like that it needs to be kept in the fridge. This is why I am asking, and also because my fridge is pretty full up so would require tremendous effort to find space.


Here is the recipe if anyone was curious. I would recommend it :D

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19 Answers

rpm_pseud0name's avatar

Just don’t leave the cake out in the rain.

janbb's avatar

If your kitchen is relatively cool, I would leave it on the counter. If it is warm, say above 68 degrees, I would refrigerate it. I think you shold be fine leaving it out; I have done that with cakes with buttercream frosting for a few days.

lilikoi's avatar

I’d just leave it out, no worries.

Ame_Evil's avatar

@rpmpseudonym It rarely rains in my kitchen so I think I have that sorted.

I guess leaving it out will be fine. It’ll probably be all eaten by tomorrow anyways. Plus warm cake > cold cake :D

lilikoi's avatar

Does it rain in your frizzer?

prolificus's avatar

gee thanks… I’m craving chocolate cake now…

john65pennington's avatar

I asked my wife and i concur that 3 hours max on the cake icing.

Ame_Evil's avatar

@lilikoi The back of my fridge gets wet at times, so I guess it does.

Also the last time I left cake with a buttercream frosting, the frosting went funny. It sort of reduced or something (even though the cake was covered).

janbb's avatar

Frosting also gets hard if you put it in the fridge; tastes better if you can leave it out.

mollypop51797's avatar

I think that leaving it out will soften it up, and it shouldn’t be too bad unless you have an unusually warm kitchen.. (room temp is probably the better way to go) but putting it in the fridge works too. btw.. can you send my a slice via cyberspace ;)

DarkScribe's avatar

@rpmpseudonym Just don’t leave the cake out in the rain.

Should be no problem – I am sure that he could get that recipe again.

janbb's avatar

All the sweet cream icing flowing down….

neverawake's avatar

It’ll attract ants so I wouldn’t do it.

DarkScribe's avatar

@neverawake It’ll attract ants so I wouldn’t do it.

Actually it is “green” icing flowing down. That might attract something far worse than ants – greenies who will browbeat you about saving the planet. .

janbb's avatar

@DarkScribe Couldn’t remember if it was green or cream.

DarkScribe's avatar

@janbb Couldn’t remember if it was green or cream.

Both sort of fit.

MacArthur Park’s is melting in the dark
all the sweet, green icing flowing down
someone left the cake out in the rain
I don’t think that I can take it
‘cause it took so long to bake it
and I’ll never have that recipe again
Oooh, nooo! oh oh no no!!

I have always liked the song (showing my age) so I can recall it.

neverawake's avatar

@DarkScribe yeah, I suppose you’re right on that one.

Ame_Evil's avatar

Less hijjacking my thread fluthers.

janbb's avatar

@Ame_Evil Once several good answers have been given, I think the thread is fair game. You, of course, are free to differ.

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