Can I walk around in a scary costume?
Typically is it alright to walk around in a big costume in public? What if the costume is horrific, or just fairly frightful? What about in a national park dressing up like bigfoot, or something else scary. I am not saying that you would set out to scare anyone, like jumping out at them. However, if you walked by someone in the night and you were dressed in a very frightening costume is there something legally wrong with that?
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38 Answers
that is a very good ques. cant wait to see what others have to say
Or say, paced on your own front lawn all night in something fanged and woolly with glowing red eyes! lol
I think you are supposed to have your face visible unless it’s very cold. I don’t know about a law but I’m sure the cops want to see your hands and face. On your own lawn would be funny to me but neighbors? Disturbing the peace?
I can imagine a scenario where you might be found liable. Don’t do this in a park that senior citizens frequent. You’ve upped your possibility of liability by asking the question.
I walk around like a zombie all the time and nobody says anything.
Ok well say the cops show up on the night you pace back and forth on your own lawn. Ask to see your face, and you show them. You can go back about your business right?
Do it now while it is still legal…
Dress up as Steny Hoyer if you really want to test the waters of public opinion over frightening symbols.
If you simply really want to do that I’d get a clipboard or something and people will asume your working. Acting inconspicuous while your dressed as a polar bear or something is definitly going to make people wonder.
You should definitely not attempt this where a hunter or someone might take a shot at you!
What about getting yourself all aglow with something phosphorescent (sp?) a la scooby doo and just walking around in your back yard where the neighbors would see!
Once a white cat was in the yard and it was creepin so slow, it looked strange, it came right to the window I was looking out of! Froze me up ‘til I realized
I don’t think there is a specific rule against people walking around in costumes, but accusations may become a problem especially if it happens to be a really frightening costume.
Well when I was a kid there were places to go to see scary things. I imagine this is the same most places. I think it would be cool if someone did some public performance art that people could go pull by and see.
If you are on your property.. I don’t see why it would be a problem..
Just guessing here but… should you happen to scare the life out of an elderly lady with a faint heart, or traumatize a child I expect you might rewrite the law books wherever you are. They’ll name the new law after your victim, as is common tradition.
@Futhermucker There is plenty of case law already. If he were aware that his elderly neighbor had a heart condition and would see his scary image, he could expect a claim to be filed against him if he scared the life out of the neighbor.
So in conclusion, there is almost certainly something “wrong with that” Ltryptophan. Unless of course it’s Halloween.
Go for it. Do it here in the city and no one would even give you a second look.
Listen up, I’m still carrying the emotional scars from when my crazy drunk uncle dressed up as santy clause and popped out unexpectedly from behind our Xmas tree…. it freaked me the f*** out… forever. Therefore I strongly discourage such unusual practices. If there’s no law against it in your area, perhaps there ought to be. lol
What if you had a big window, and you did this from within your house with the window open!
lol @Futhermucker
How about if you dressed up as a Gorilla, and were sitting in an iron cage in your yard!
wow, what an awesome cheap zoo that could be. A bunch of people dressed as the animals! I am a genius!!
Well if it were YOU dressed as a gorilla in a cage in the yard I’d just say… Hi Bob. Bob’s my “species challenged” younger brother, btw. We keep him in a cage, as per town ordinance.
Try dressing up as “Ann Coulter ” you’ll scare the bejesus out of everyone !
I assume you live in an area with gun control. Don’t try it in my neighborhood.
Just make sure your costume isn’t “Terrorist”....cops would be sure to tazer your ass into the ground pronto.
omg, you should totally show up for an airplane flight in a costume. that would be awesome!
Depends on where you are and what the laws are for that place. In most places, there are no laws against costumes. In some situations there are rules set by the proprietor if not laws, such as in a bank lobby. It is not generally a legal requirement to have your face or hands visible.
However, if you cause effects by your actions, whatever those are, you can generally be held legally accountable for those, at least in theory.
Why would you want to do that? I know I have just answered a question with a question sigh
If it’s good enough for Barbara Streisand,then why not?
@ucme I think you meant Cher?
@Imagine a fusion of the two,if you dare.
The question is “Will you walk around in a big scary costume?” if you want to go right a head.
youll frighten children and most likeley get arrested for looking like a predator!!! especially not in a bank because your not even supposed to wear sunglasses!!! why would you want to?
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