(NSFW) Help with inconsistent erections?
Here are some facts:
I’m 24.
I smoked cigarettes for about 2 years (I quit and have been smoke free for 21 days and counting).
I used to masturbate about 3+ times a week, I’ve only done it once within the past month.
I get the normal morning wood, but when I’m with my girlfriend (recently started dating), my penis occasionally becomes erect, sometimes it does and sometimes it doesn’t, but its been favoring the latter lately, is there anything I can do to help this out?
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30 Answers
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I wonder if Kiegel’s would help. Are you nervous with her? The big brain really does have tremendous influence on the little brain if you are uncomfortable. Maybe a trip to the doctor?
Make it fun.try new things. maybe watch porn together
Oh, rangerr. :P
You should consult your doctor, anything and everything could be contributing. Maybe you’re just tense from quitting smoking, maybe you have a legitimate problem that needs to be addressed… regardless, the sooner you treat the issue the better the chance of it being solved and the chances of lasting damage due to more serious causes will decrease.
Not enough information. Any problems in the relationship? Are you working more than normal? Any stress about sexual performance? Are you diabetic? Narrow it down for us. Add anything you can think of. Of course, you’re still only going to get internet opinions, but we could try to offer suggestions.
loosen up. have a few drinks with phillis and i.
exercise, make sure you dont start smoking again, avoid alcohol and consult a doctor.
lol god your great. your the most fun ive had since ive been here
If you do try viagra, be careful in case you have an erection lasting longer than four (4) days.
My girlfriend is very attractive, so no issue there, there are no problems in our relationship whatsoever. I’m not too worried about sexual performance. I am working a bit more than normal but am not stressed out. I am not a diabetic.
I don’t drink and have quit smoking for good, I am no longer having cravings.
Maybe the issue is that I don’t exercise and eat as healthy as I should…
You obviously are getting erections as per normal (in the morning). Is there something stressing you out regards your girlfriend? Perhaps you have a bit of performance anxiety. Or like someone else said, quitting smoking may have stressed you out, as you said for the last month you have not masturbated much. Or perhaps your girlfriend and yourself have issues you need to address and discuss which is making you anxious.
Thanks, @PhillyCheese. That’s the problem with unobservable medical conditions. Lack of hydrolics at the proper time could be a 100 things. I know it’s a pain in the ass, but do you really want to compromise your sex life for the rest of your life? Please DO go see a urologist. It isn’t worth the gamble.
Maybe it could be that I can’t use all my effort during foreplay.
I recently got a lip piercing; before I got it done, I erected normally, but after I got it done, I was a bit more gentle and cautious during foreplay because it would hurt when I would press my lips down hard on parts of her body.
Thanks for the help everyone, this has helped a lot
I think you’re looking for fluffer dot com.
Are you on any medications, or taking any new vitamins?
How have your moods been? Could you be depressed?
I think you really should start eating better, and at try to get in better shape.
For the simple reason of you asking this question, I’d imagine it weighs on your mind quite a bit, and rightfully so. And from my experience, the more you think about not being able to have an erection, you’re not going to be able to. If you’re having morning wood, you don’t have problems “down there”. It’s all in your mind.
You may want to see a doctor (a urologist as Phillis suggested), just so they can run some tests to be 100% sure it isn’t some sort of physical underlying problem though.
My money is on the side of it being your mind though, I use to do the same thing. Just sit back, and try not to think about it once you get going.
Take out the piercing if that is what is bothering you. Intimacy is really all about just you and her and not a bunch of doo dad jewelry. Sounds like a new enough relationship where you haven’t found your groove yet. Also sit back and allow her to reciprocate all your efforts on her. Just hang in there and don’t over do it. Relax and do what comes comfortably and naturally.
Most erection problems relate to erection “material”. If your girlfriend doesn’t turn you on, and you are not gay, then perhaps the two of you should accept some of the facts of life. I am forever meeting guys who need little blue pills in their relationship, but who react spontaneously to a sexually attractive woman “in the wild”. Those little blue pills were invented to improve the sex life of less than attractive women, not for most healthy men. Without them half the female population wouldn’t have a sex life.
If a man has a well established, loving relationship, then it is a different matter – those rose coloured glasses are amazing – but in anything less, you can’t respond to a person who you don’t find physically attractive.
@DarkScribe Where did you get that information??
“Those little blue pills were invented to improve the sex life of less than attractive women”
Erectile dysfunction is a medical condition. Beer goggles and paper bags are for solving the butt ugly woman problems not Viagra.
You need to see a doctor, having ED at your age should be checked out. I wouldn’t get too freaked out, but it’s something you should take seriously.
Whatever stress or nervousness on your mind is probably the biggest thing barring high blood pressure, excessive alcohol drinking, body adjusting to no smoking, hungry at the time, illegal drug use, prescription meds, etc.
All the above is helpful, but let me make it very simple. Listen to your penis It is telling you something about the relationship of which you are not consciously aware. At 24, I would not sweat a medical condition. Let the penis do whatever it wants to do. But listen to it. Little things can completely deflate it, including what @Violet said. Eating in a healthy way and exercise are very important. So is taking the friggin metal out of your face. My God, man, that cannot possibly do your sex life any good. If you like it, fine. But don’t complain about your penis deflating. Even my partner wearing a jangling necklace breaks the mood for me.
So whatever it is, Mr Penis is going to act accordingly. Certainly anything external like the lip piercing, but emotional issues as well including relationship issues. Listen up!!
Sorry dude, but I’m not gonna lend you a hand :)
@plethora Listen to your penis
If you are hearing voices originating down there (and you are not dating a Leprechaun) I would suggest that it is time for a holiday. Or a new hobby.
Like @plethora said, get rid of the metal in your face dude.
If you were coming at me with some poky scratchy thing in your lip I would be real skittish about that.
Sex is a mutual thing, can you have a good time if she isn’t? Can she have a good time if you aren’t? Probably not, and if either of you can then you are probably doomed anyway.
just my 2 cents, I’ll shut up now
I wish my man had that problem!
thanks for your support Jeff, but dude you should see the Doc if you got ED.
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