General Question

Nike_girl16's avatar

What do you do to cure back pain when you are on your monthly days?

Asked by Nike_girl16 (23points) March 28th, 2010 from iPhone

I can’t sleep because if my back pain. I want it to go away now what can I do rite now so it could go away without going to the store?

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11 Answers

Just_Justine's avatar

Obviously a pain killer would help? If you don’t have try a hot water bottle on the painful area, or a heated cloth/towel, you can put it into the micro wave and heat it.

nailpolishfanatic's avatar

I would reccomend you taking a pain killer, then have a bottle of hot water on top of your libia, or just lay down after the pain killer taking and just rest…and listen to music you enjoy?

thriftymaid's avatar

Stand with your feet together, knees locked, and hands flat on the floor or lie on the floor on your back, hold your knees and rock on the lower back.

I don’t get all of the medication women seem to be taking these days for their naturally occurring monthly period.

Cruiser's avatar

Do yoga and or do Pilates. I had the very same problem due to herniating a disc. My whole adult life I woke up in pain and when I blew my back out I started to do Pilates and yoga to help heal my injury and the one HUGE benefit from doing those disciplines was how it alleviated my soreness from sleeping! I now wake up pain free and it is simply awesome!

DarkScribe's avatar

All my days are part of a month, and back pain usually means that I’ve been sleeping at a bad angle – that I’ve fallen asleep in my recliner chair again.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

Sit-ups or crunches work for me.

tedibear's avatar

Along with ibuprofen and stretching, I’ve found that kneading the muscles of my lower back helps. The other thing I’ve done is to put IcyHot cream where it hurts. Just remember: do not use one of these creams and then put a heating pad on that area. The directions say that, but not everyone reads those little inserts.

@thriftymaid – all what medication? Some ibuprofen to get rid of pain? If the stretching and heat don’t help, she may need the next step. Not everyone has the same level of pain and @Nike_girl16 may hurt more than you or I do.

Lightlyseared's avatar

Buscopan is (apparently) pretty good and more effective than paracetamol/ibuprofen.

disclaimer – I’m a man so what do I know

thriftymaid's avatar

@tedibear39 A couple of people mention pain killers here. These questions come up all of the time and I’m always amazed at the number of people who take pain pills. My statement was a general one not directed at any individual, if you care to read it again.

gailcalled's avatar

@Thesexier : I would reccomend (sic)you taking a pain killer, then have a bottle of hot water on top of your libia,...

What are libia?

Lightlyseared's avatar

@gailcalled a country in north Africa?

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