Do you like who you are?
Asked by
Rangie (
March 28th, 2010
Would you choose someone like yourself as a best friend? What do you like about yourself?
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44 Answers
I hate myself. I’m so too selfish
I do have a best friend that’s almost the same as me,
except thinner. Lucky us!
@Justnice for real? Or are you pulling our leg?
@susanc , I would say you are lucky. So are both of you really nice, commpassionate people, or are you both mean hateful people? hehe
Like? I love me. Yeah baby yeah.I am adorable.Modest to, with a touch of humility thrown in for good measure.
@rangie I’m not pulling your leg. I’m serious. I am selfish and I do try to change but it’s not happening. I tend to walk all over people in order to get what I want
@ucme , Honestly, I love me too. I wouldn’t want to be anybody else. I was lucky enough to have parents that gave me good values to help form my character. I tend to surround my self with people that have similar values.
@ Rangie: we’re fabulous. Thanks for asking.
@Justnice , I am sorry, I hope you can get a handle on that. If you really and truly feel that way, do you have any friends? Don’t you think you can get what you want or need without resorting to walking all over people? What about your charm and good nature, have you tried that?
I love myself and I don’t care if people and I am EGO!!! love who you are and appreciate it;)
I like my artistic side. I also like my versatile ability to relate to others. There are lots of things I don’t like too, but since this is a positive question, I stick with the tooting of my own horn. lol. I think I’m a good listener, and I have lots of patients with people. A few people that I know are impatient and apathetic. I want to be the polar opposite of them. I have an appreciation for life in general, and I am thankful for my blessings each day because they were almost taken away from me. I am just learning to be comfortable in my own skin and I am learning to truly, authentically love myself. YAY! :)
@Thesexier I love your answer. I will call you EGOMONGER. hehe
Come to think of it, we just might be our own best friend.
I do like myself, but I’m not nearly awesome enough yet.
I wonder if I’ll ever lose interest in self-improvement. I hope not.
I like the person I am but I’m not quite the person I want to be.
@MrsDufresne I think there are things all of don’t like about ourselves, but they are usually physical and don’t really have anything to do with our character.
@palbertq @Fyrius I am with you. There is alway room for self improvement. We don’t want to become too complacent or we might start to back peddle.
I not only like who I am but I love who I am. In fact, I’m only about two steps away from total narcisscism. Luckily I stop to take a breath now and then and prevent myself from wallowing in total conceit.
Seriously though, I would very much choose someone like me as a best friend. I’m honest to a fault, sincere, friendly, outgoing, optimistic by nature, happy go lucky, and certainly very humble.
I hate, disgust and shame myself. But not enough to do a dang thing about it.
I don’t think who I am actually likes ME!
@Symbeline Hate is pretty strong. Would I hate you as well? Why do you hate yourself?
@ZEPHYRA, That is quite an answer. I think who you are is playing mind games with you.
@Rangie Mostly because when I look at myself I find that I’m a rather horrible person and I don’t like it. I can live with it though, so it really isn’t all that bad, or any kinda emo material.
Yes, I like/love myself very much….we are all colorful flowers, celebrate diversity!
I don’t even see how someone could enjoy being around me… sigh
I like myself quite a bit. I’ve always liked myself (albeit I had some things about myself that took some time to accept). I would love to have a friend like me, and I do. They’re not clones of me, but they possess many of the same characteristics.
This does not mean that I think I’m perfect and can never improve, of course not. But in general, I like myself and am very satisfied with who I am.
@sjmc1989 I think being able to recognize our faults is a good thing, but I think you are taking it to a whole new level. I don’t even know you, but it would be my guess that I would like you more than you do.
I am actually a really nice person but I just have some bad qualities. I don’t have many friends because people think that I’m mean. I don’t think I’m mean, I just really don’t care about people that I don’t know. To those that are close, I am an awesome friend. I don’t know, I confuse myself
I do like me. I like that I’m comfortable with a great variety of people, more empathetic than jaded and capable of great loving moments.
Yeah, pretty much. I enjoy being a lying, manipulative person. I wouldn’t change for anything.
@Rangie * Takes bow* I was only kidding one word to describe me is Ah-mazing! Ok well maybe that is taking it a little far, but I think I am a pretty good person a majority of the time
@Rangie You seem like a very sweet person and I haven’t welcomed you to fluther yet so… Welcome! :)
@sjmc1989 I read your bio a few minutes ago. You certainly were kidding me. You got me. With that big smile and pretty too, you must have many friends. If you think you are Amazing, then you probably are. We can be anything we want. We can also change anything we don’t like about who we are. I hated the fact that I was painfully shy as a child and young woman. I worked very hard on that, and finally accomplished my goal. However, it only took me 40 years to do it. But I did it. yeah!
Thank you for the welcome. may I add you to my what ever you call it, friends list?
@neverawake , I don’t believe you. Well, on second thought, maybe I do. I think you are lying right now. I am going to read your bio.
@Rangie Yes, I do agree with you that you can change things in your personality if you really don’t like it and have the motivation to change. Good for you for changing and of course you can add me to your Fluther ;)
I truly can’t stand myself. Not to mention I don’t even understand myself. I wouldn’t mind being my best friend, though. I’m generally a kind, giving, sincere person.
I more or less like myself. There are times I think I am an ass (and I work to correct the assholish things in myself) and there are many times I wish I could set parts of my memory aside so I do not have to know what I do all the time.
I think I would be a much saner fellow if I could set aside things that I know for a time. I would not want to erase the knowledge but there is no need for me to live day to day with this stuff. My dreamscape would be a lot more pleasant and I would be a lot less cynical and bad tempered.
I hate how I am toward people I don’t know, aka random strangers. Once I get to know people, I absolutely love who I am.
No, I dont really like myself & wouldn’t advise anyone to get too close as I seem to hurt people who love me.
There is nothing much to like about me. I would change myself in a second.
@meagan I think perhaps you need to stand in front of a mirror and introduce yourself to Meagan. Look at yourself and be honest about who you are. I suspect you are kind, giving, compassionate, love God, love your family.
What is it that you can’t stand or understand about yourself? You are very pretty and I am sure intelligent. So let’s see if we can turn this attitude around.
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