Meta Question

talljasperman's avatar

What is a healthy number of questions to follow that your not actually following every day?

Asked by talljasperman (21924points) March 28th, 2010

I have 311 questions I’m following…. It once went as high as 420… Is this about average…?

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12 Answers

marinelife's avatar

I don’t really know. I find I’m still following questions when someone new answers one that is old.

I say follow how ever many you want to follow.

Dog's avatar

I am following 4,794

I feel pretty healthy. :)

talljasperman's avatar

@Dog thanks I feel better… I was feeling like I was a compulsive Hoarder

Dog's avatar

@talljasperman I have learned new stuff from new responses on questions 2 years old. It is awesome.

Bluefreedom's avatar

114 sounds like a nice round number. How does one actually find out how many questions they are following at one time? Is there a way to check besides counting them all one by one?

Dog's avatar

@Bluefreedom I went by how many responses I have written.

talljasperman's avatar

Activity for You (312 new)

Dog's avatar

@talljasperman That would be annoying. I get about 20–50 per day but keep up with them.

YARNLADY's avatar

I go through my Activity For You every day, and hardly ever stop following. I have over 200 pages of questions I’m following, back to my first day here, one year ago.

augustlan's avatar

I have only stopped following maybe 10 questions since I started here. I’m sure I must be following thousands, but I only get 20 or so daily now. I don’t have the time to be as active anymore. :(

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