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Rangie's avatar

When you are ready to take a vacation, is there a geographic place that seems to be calling to you?

Asked by Rangie (3667points) March 28th, 2010

Do you ever feel you need to go to the ocean, mountains, or desert? How do you feel when you get there. What is the most relaxing place you know?

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23 Answers

lilikoi's avatar

The most relaxing place I know is home. Travelling isn’t about relaxing or vacationing for me. It’s about adventure.

DominicX's avatar

Depends. Sometimes the mountains of Lake Tahoe are calling me, other times the beaches of Southern California are. Those are the two main places that scream “vacation” in my mind (also the hills of Carmel Valley).

Of course, I’m always willing to go anywhere. Right now I seem to be craving Europe. I haven’t been there since 2007.

AstroChuck's avatar

Hawaii is always calling to me. Unfortunately I don’t answer that call as often as I’d like.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

Ocean.The outer banks of North Carolina.I feel relaxed and am at home there…sigh

Rangie's avatar

@lilikoi I love being home also. But when I was younger and still working in the rat race, I just need to get away. As I already lived in beautiful setting in the Sierra Mountains, I felt a need to go to the ocean. It would seem to rejuvenate me get me ready to go back into the rat race. Now that I am retired, I live at the ocean. I couldn’t be happier.

Rangie's avatar

I guess if we can’t go to our relaxing place, we can always dream about being there.

jonsblond's avatar

Give me pine trees and a lake or river and I’m a happy camper. Northern Wisconsin and Colorado are my favorite spots.

janbb's avatar

Bali Hai is calling….

phillis's avatar

Calgon, mostly.

lilikoi's avatar

@Rangie I see what you mean now. I hated the rat race. I always wanted to escape to the mountains, the ocean, anywhere that would put me closer to nature. I very much love the ocean!

Pretty_Lilly's avatar

New England ! I love the weather !!

Neizvestnaya's avatar

The ocean because of the sounds, smells and live moving feeling under your feet when on the sand.

St.George's avatar

France and Spain. I think about being there at least once a day.

shpadoinkle_sue's avatar

Oregon Coast, really scenic and calm. You can drive for hours and never get tired of the view.

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thriftymaid's avatar

Yes, I have a destination in mind for my next trip.

figbash's avatar

Greece, Italy and France. I’m seriously itching for all three.

filmfann's avatar

Disneyland (the Holy Land of themeparks)
Big Sur (the most relaxing place on Earth)
San Francisco (yes, my heart is there)

Since buying my retirement place up north, I will add Shingletown.

DarkScribe's avatar

Bali Ha’i may call you, any night, any day
In your heart, you’ll hear it call you,
come away…Come away
Bali Ha’i will whisper on the wind of the sea
Here am I your special island
Come to me…Come to me…
Your own special hopes, your own special dreams
Bloom on the hillside and shine in the streams
If you try, you’ll find me
Where the sky meets the sea
Here am I your special island
Come to me…Come to me…
Bali Ha’i…Bali Ha’i…Bali Ha’i

(Elaborating on Jan’s answer.)

Dr_Lawrence's avatar

Any place with a variety of terrains: Ocean shores, mountains, forests and streams that are uncrowded, clean, and not unduly hot. I guess the Pacific Northwest of the USA and Canada and areas of Maine and Nova Scotia would fill the bill nicely.

JeffVader's avatar

I love the Mediterranean best…. pretty much any of the countries, providing there are Roman ruins.

Rangie's avatar

I also love cruising on the ocean. I don’t care where it is going, just being on the water is wonderful. My husband was the captain on a 68” sport fisher. I was his first mate. We had the best time. The owner was rarely there, so we had the run of the boat. I caught my first and only Marlin down in Cabo. Lots of durado and wahoo. Yummy, fresh caught and cooked that night. Nothing better, I could eat that every night. Then falling asleep with the gentle rocking of the boat, hearing the water lapping against the side of the boat. Oh, what a wonder time we had. The memories are forever with us.

downtide's avatar

For me, the past few years, it’s been Scotland. Mountains and lochs.

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