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Jude's avatar

Weird question, but, why is it that with some people they look even more beautiful when they cry?

Asked by Jude (32210points) March 29th, 2010

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32 Answers

thriftymaid's avatar

I don’t know, but I’m sure I’m not one of them.

janbb's avatar

Removed by me.

partyparty's avatar

Because they look so vulnerable

Sophief's avatar

My first boyfriend used to say that about me, just as well I suppose, because he made me cry a lot!

malevolentbutticklish's avatar

Maybe we can look to the song “A Lap Dance is So Much Better when the Stripper is Crying” for insight.

Mikelbf2000's avatar

I cant stand to see people cry. It breaks my heart.

Facade's avatar

I’ve never seen anyone like that except for in a film.

Jude's avatar

@Facade I saw it, yesterday.

chels's avatar

Because 90% of the time, when a person is crying it’s raw emotion. We’re seeing the person as they are, no walls, no boundaries, nothing. We’re seeing them exactly as they are. Truly.

And that is a beautiful thing.

jfos's avatar

Seeing other people cry evokes a certain degree of emotion. Seeing something beautiful evokes a certain degree of emotion. According to the transitive property…

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Maybe their letting me see more of themself?

Mikelbf2000's avatar

I just associate crying with sorrow and negativity, I never want to see someone i care about cry. I hurt if i see a stranger cry.

Cupcake's avatar

@jjmah – not weird… it’s a beautiful question. We should all be so lucky to experience it firsthand.

JeffVader's avatar

It’s true tho, a crying women just brings me to my knees.

john65pennington's avatar

Same situation applies to pregnant women. they seem to “glow”, when pregnant.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

Because tears clarify the beauty of their eyes.

Zen_Again's avatar

Moved, by me.

DarkScribe's avatar

Perhaps something about pathos appeals to you. I am not sure that would be a good thing. I have never found someone who has reason to cry to be more attractive.

roundsquare's avatar

For a lot of guys, the conception of female beauty is based on frailty.

DarkScribe's avatar

@roundsquare For a lot of guys, the conception of female beauty is based on frailty.

In the early part of the last century a “frail” was a euphemism for a woman – considered less impolite than some of the more vulgar terms. You even find it in songs.

Jude's avatar

@DarkScribe For me, it made me feel closer to her. She was able to let her guard down/let out some emotion (she’s been dealing with a very sad situation) and let me hold her. I held her and gave her gentle kisses on forehead. When I looked into her eyes, she looked beautiful.

janbb's avatar

Ah, @jjmah , I knew you were talking about your lady love.

DarkScribe's avatar

@jjmah When I looked into her eyes, she looked beautiful.

It seems that you are responding to the emotion involved, not the way she looks.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Love means she always looks more beautiful all the time.

zephyr826's avatar

There are some people who weep beautifully. Their pain is not it, but as @chels says, their raw emotion is beautiful.

And then there are the people like me, who puff up, turn red, let snot drip from our noses, and generally repel others when we’re crying. ~

partyparty's avatar

@chels Aw that is a beautiful answer

bellusfemina's avatar

Because of all the mascara running. It’s trully beautiful. :)

PacificToast's avatar

Some weep beautifully. Others turn into a sobbing creature that is people repellent. The one’s that do cry beautifully are at their most vulnerable point. The raw human is more beautiful than any other on a magazine cover.

TheOnlyException's avatar

It depends. If they end up braying like a cow that kind of kills the romantic, lovely side of it you are talking about.
But some people I know what you mean, it is horrifically lovely to see them cry, i guess because it is such a raw emotion that we can’t control.
tears are tears at the end of the day and not everyone can cry like a hollywood starlet (though I like to think i do) :)

Berserker's avatar

I’ve only really seen that in movies. When people in real life cry their face gets all red, grimacy and wrinkly and it’s not all that pretty. I suppose it can depend though, and is as arguable as whether or not a person looks cute when sleeping in pillows and huge comforters until they let a huge fart rip or what it does to you when you’re having sex with your partner and their face looks like they’re constipated.

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