Social Question

babaji's avatar

Do you think 3D TV, the kind you don't need glasses to see, is the norm of the future?

Asked by babaji (1453points) March 29th, 2010

3D TV seems to a hot aspect being introduced, do you think it will last, or is it just too much to deal with on a constant basis? Regular TV sucks you in so much as it is….3DTV is good….,but what we really need is an imagination chamber…,a Halographic deck?

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6 Answers

DarkScribe's avatar

It will last – there has been to much R&D and tooling, etc., for it to be a passing fad. Locally large screen Plasma and LCD TVs are about one third of their price of a year ago. They don’t dump current stock unless they are pretty sure that it really is superseded.

FishGutsDale's avatar

Yep, I do. 3D television set, gaming and internet are coming.

And I can’t wait!!!

mrrich724's avatar

If it’s glasses-free yes, otherwise, I wouldn’t support it for two reasons:

1. I don’t want to wear those glasses, they are uncomfortable and annoying
2. If I really want to see something in 3D, odds are I also want to see it on the big screen.

The one thing I would say it would work for is as @FishGutsDale said, GAMING. I would get it just for that.

@DarkScribe I see your logic, but I don’t think it would be too hard of a task to come up with a list of things that had R&D and tooling etc, and the tech still failed. So I don’t think those factors alone guarantee that it won’t be a fad.

DarkScribe's avatar

@mrrich724 So I don’t think those factors alone guarantee that it won’t be a fad.

When all of the major manufactures stop production of current technology and announce that by the end of this financial year that the new technology will be in place, I think you can be pretty sure that it will happen. Don’t forget that a 3D TV will receive and display current HD digital as well as 3D. They are dual system.

mrrich724's avatar

Well if it’s dual system, I think they should take a little more effort in pointing that out, b/c I like looking at tech stuff, and I didn’t even know that. If that’s the case, then yea, it’s going to happen no matter what, b/c the consumer mind is generally set up to think, “well if I can only pay this much extra, and get this in return” whether or not they want the “extra,” they will still buy it. So it’s sold . . . to anyone on the market for a good TV!

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