Social Question
Why would you not tell the proselytizer to stop preaching on the train?
Okay, here’s a pretty common NYC occurrence on the trains: it’s whatever time of day, the train is crowded, everyone’s going to work or back…there’s a lady or two in the middle standing and loudly reciting the Bible, staring into people’s eyes and continuing on and on and on…now, listen, my commute’s about 45 mins to an hour and I don’t always have my iShuffle…it is incredibly annoying to have to listen to this preaching, let alone without end.
I always get angry – why doesn’t someone say something, plenty are annoyed…why is this activity safe from interruption? Why on earth do these people think it’s okay to disrupt everyone’s day and already tired-ass ride home with their version of “truth” – it’s ridiculous…I always feel like getting up and screaming over them something or other about gender norms, veganism, atheism…I mean what difference does it make? I feel just as strongly that some of my ideas can heal/help/change/move the world.
So, either you know of this situation or imagine yourself in one – why wouldn’t you tell to stop and just be quiet? Is it:
1) You think they’re crazy.
2) You think they’re doing great work, praise the lord.
3) You think it won’t help as with these it usually gets worse when you engage.
4) Eh, it’s New York – same shit, different day – at least they’re not touching themselves as they look at you.
5) It’s not your place, everyone’s free to be as annoying as the want.
6) Something else.
Today, after making it clear that I find what they do to be obnoxious, I switched cars but why do I have to do this, why do I have to move? Please tell me, why do we let these kinds of actions go?