Besides EARTH HOUR, do you think some other HOURS could be introduced to make a difference or a statement about various world issues?
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March 29th, 2010
What kind of HOUR would you suggest the whole of the world should participate in?
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12 Answers
A wine and no Fois Gras hour.
Save the geese!
@Coloma – the geese and a whole lot of other creatures, right?!?!?!
I can hear it now… Save the Geese, Cut the Grease, Pair with Cheese !!!
Earth Hour doesn’t make much of a tangible difference. It is more of a movement to increase awareness and make people feel better. I think the whole thing is stupid. I don’t want any more hours – I want some real, permanent, fucking change.
Yes…but I am partial to my flappy footed friends.
My thing…no pate, no down products….I am not comforted by a down comfortor. lol
I just create my own hours…the power of one…hahaha
Conjugal lunch hours at your place of business?
Ass-kicking hour.
To raise awareness of instances during which an ass-kicking would be relevant. This hour would also be used to raise awareness of famous badasses throughout history, such as Jack Churchill and Voytek the soldier bear.
An hour devoted to noise pollution would be useful to promote awareness about a rarely discussed topic; the reduction in sound in urban areas would help to show how loud our cities are. I also had an idea about Memory Hour, but I seem to have forgot it.
I like that idea! Yes…a quiet time out for city noise pollution.
I am very spoiled living in the hills, the only noise I get is the sound of wildlife doing their thing, horse neighing, sheep baaing, geese honking, chickens cackling. It’s great!
I must say though I just spent 2 weeks in Taipei city last month..a city of 6 million and it was amazingly quiet…much more so that any north american city.
No self-pity hour. For one hour, we will cease and desist feeling helpless and out of control. A flash of realization of our inate power would go a long way toward getting people pissed off enough with thier own life choices to get rid of the bullshit. Life is too short to live in misery, baby!
Flower power hour,sounds good anyway.Peace out dudes.
Shower hour,pewww some could do with it.
if we have one hour each problem of ther world we would be without light for several month. I get so sad when I think most of people wouldnt give neither one minute for the world, the place they live.
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