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I recently got burned by an oven rack while trying to get something out of the oven, it was set at 375 degrees, what degree of burn is that?
k, sooo I was making something and while i was trying to get it out of the oven, my arm let up and hit the oven rack above it and, well, it got burned pretty bad. It was on there a good 500 milliseconds(half a second) it doesn’t seem like long, but TRUST ME it hurt. So, it has gotten a little swollen and has been red for awhile, it also has sort of scabbed over, but a soft scab. I wanna know: what degree of burn is it? I mean, it seems to bi and painful, AND itchy to be 1st, but not sure if its bad enough to be considered 2nd. I burnt it last Wed. and it still looks pretty bad(if not worse)
Thanks for any help(srry it was so long:P)
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