Most guys are attracted to Sexy girls but what's point if most cant have one?
People talk about biology and stuff. that we’re attracted to them because pasisng our genes, and chances of having healthy baby etc etc.
But reality is in a group of 100 men, 70 percent or even 80 will not even get to have a sexy hot GF. We’ll end up with average girls. Who probably don’t have any of the BIOLOGICAL signs( wide hips etc) or even breasts.
So what’s the point of guys having strong desire for sexy girls? And even if we are married or have a gf, we continue having desire for sexy girls outside of our gf.
Guys suffer alot because we just have this desire that can never be realized or at least we have a very low chance of it. Do girls suffer in this way as well.? It doesn’t seem so.
Anyways, any ideias?
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47 Answers
Just because you don’t know how to score the babes is no reason to think they can’t be had. They can…often…
Some of us have a very easy time scoring the hotties.
highfives davidbetterman
arent you the one with all the deteriorating health questions
I think the idea you’re missing is that people consider many different things sexy. Few people agree on what sexy is. These women are all sexy in someone’s eyes.
Is it likely that most people will end up with their absolute physical ideal? Not at all. Sexy isn’t just boobs and hips.
@Likeradar Natalie Portman is a cutie pie! But that room she is in must be quite chilly….
“Guys suffer alot because we just have this desire that can never be realized or at least we have a very low chance of it. Do girls suffer in this way as well.? It doesn’t seem so.”
And are you implying that all women date someone who’s of above average looks or who is their physical ideal? Or that women in committed relationships never meet someone they think is physically sexier than their partner? Cause, uh… no.
@Likeradar Those were great links. Why you haven’t gotten more GAs I will never know.
I think David Bowie is the sexiest man that ever lived…
...and I can’t have him. :(
the point is that you’re programmed down to the hardware level to try to have kids with the best women you can find. welcome to the dissonance between the animal and the logos.
i dont jump through hoops for fake people with fake hair, fake faces ..fake personalities that are learned on soap operas…good looking is a matter of choice ..real women are the best ..ya just cant find any in america
I can’t figure out if this question is offensive or just plain irritating.
real is relative doctiresquire.
It is sort of sad that the implication in this question is that a woman’s appeal is related to her physical “hotness”. T&A doesn’t make for true sexiness, just for initial “from a distance” attraction. There are very few men who are genuinely limited in the range of partners available to them purely by a lack of physical appeal as most women are not as sexually judgmental as men are. If you can’t win a woman who appeals to you (and who is available) the chances are it is not your looks that are holding you back.
an attitude like that is a guarantee that you will always be right in what you say.
furthermore, consider the possibility that all females are attractive and that you only think a certain kind are attractive due to social conditioning. if you had lived a few hundred years ago you would be chasing really fat pale girls that have plenty of money. what is attractive and what is not is mostly a learned behavior.
i want to start a farm for women down on their luck ..a dollar a month rent in exchange for an hour a day labor…i figure i can get a bunk house built ..and…house around 30 women one can cut the grass ..another can wash my truck…another laundry ..another dishes ect ..on down the line ..they can car for me
It’s called the difference between the conceptual ideal and reality. Everyone has an ideal as to what their perfect partner is. Most of everyone are also realistic enough to understand that the ideal doesn’t exist in the wild, so to speak. I don’t see why it’s a problem if men/women aren’t able to find their ideal partners. That’s the point of the concept of the ideal partner: they’re perfect. They’re not supposed to exist.
The concept of the ideal only/should serves as a checklist/standard for men/women to consider when seeking potential partners.
Wow, I’m pretty interested in your definition of “sexy” ! An anorexic, tanned and shinning skin top model under hard drugs ?
As said before, being attractive is relative, charm and beauty is just opinions, so what you say is totally out of point
Go to see a psychiatrist right away man…
Most sperm are attracted to ova.
and the point is avoiding extinction
I happen to think that @Likeradar is damned sexy.
But the whole “not being able to score a hot babe” thing is really just a matter of self esteem, personality and your abiulity to relate to women. Don’t think that because you can’t that 80% of men can’t.
Some of us have an easier time talking to women, it’s not very hard at all if you treat them like people instead of objects. I am engaged to one of the sexiest women I’ve ever had the privilege of meeting and we hit it off the day we met.
Isn’t “scoring a hot babe” an empty pursuit? How about “scoring” a charming companion?
what is hot ? i said hot a fake face ..fake hair….fake personality learned off a soap opera?
the not so hot women are the dirtyest and most cleanest ..and most caring…look past the make up and hair doos
@doctiresquire it’s been said before on the thread. People have varying definitions of what is and is not attractive / sexy. To generalize as fake hair/face/personality or wny other stereotype not only does not fit or classify the taste of all men, it shows a certain bias.
A woman’s sexiness can be determined not only by what she looks like but more so by how she carries herself. I consider myself sexy and I am not exactly what you are describing in your question. However, I can assure you that I can turn some heads while walking down the street. Your idea of sexiness is very limited and this is why you will probably not end up with a sexy girl because according to your standards she will not be hot or sexy.
So what’s the point of guys having strong desire for sexy girls?
To get you to go after them. You can’t win if you don’t play, right?
And even if we are married or have a gf, we continue having desire for sexy girls outside of our gf.
That’s because “go find sexy chixxorz and multiply” is instinct-level programming that we must modify with our minds. The more conservative fashions aim to supplement this effort, which is why I can only be 98% horrified with the concept of the burqa.
I have just worked of what it really is that I find offensive in this question.
Not the attitudes to “hot/sexy” woman or the deciding to speak for all men, it is the “can’t have one” as though women were a commodity. A door prize that only the lucky guys get. It isn’t bemoaning a lack of a caring relationship, the failure to find a mate, but a complaint about missing out on “one” – an object, something to own and use – like a car or a pair of water skis.
Men think with their….little pointer….?
To be honest with you I think it’s probably women who are to blame, I mean, we are the ones who tend to be so damn judgmental, I’m pretty sure guys would fuck anything, we just happen to be pointing out the good ones for them….?.....just a theory….
@joscketSeper Dude you don’t know where all the hot chicks are at? Right here on Fluther!
I don’t understand this question. It seems to have been written by a pubescent child. Until this person changes their attitudes toward the opposite sex, I don’t think he’ll get anything. Hot, ‘average’ or otherwise. Women ARE discerning, and if a guy took this attitude with a woman he wouldn’t get the time of day.
Wrong on so many levels.
Sexy is a rather subjective term though…. just because you think something’s sexy doesn’t mean I or anyone else also thinks thats sexy.
@cheebdragon Honestly…. it’s not that easy to do the horizontal monster mash with someone you’re not attracted to.
@joscketSeper We all had to learn how to make friends with human beings before we were able to get sexy with anybody.
Hot is different for everyone, and thats how it should be. If everyone was attracted to the same person, or type of person, we would all be fighting for the same person or people.
Since before you can procreate man must first get it up, the thoughts of hot girls (unattainable though they are) gives the guy wood, and the hot girls have thus done their “part” for humanity.
The fact that the guys got the wood over the hottest girl isn’t going to stop them from using it with the not so hot girl.
I can’t say I have suffered too much over the hot guy I can’t have. Whenever I want him all I have to do is close my eyes and poof he’s there!!!
This is a truly sad thread.
It’s difficult to get close to really hot chicks because of the size of their boobs. Anyway, I’d choose an astrophysicist over a sex goddess any day.
here in the united states i haven`t seen a sexy woman in 30 years i `m having a hard time with this… i see foul mouthed… rude…insensitive ..self centered…hookers mostly ..the rest are old ,or fat….women have been competing with one another for ever ..the problem is they are competing to be the trashiest now…i find them repulsive
I have a sexy and hot girlfriend :P
@Likeradar and modest too… that’s why we love our “similar sonar”
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