What is one of the pressing social and political issues of our time, and how would you address it?
Asked by
lilikoi (
March 29th, 2010
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25 Answers
Candidate accountability for solutions promised/proposed. We could ask them to say any number of things they expect to accomplish during their term. If they do not complete the majority have them serve as many years in jail as the number of promised projects that would have meant a majority of accomplished goals.
One of the biggest problems is that influence is wielded by powerful people, rather than those with a deep knowledge and understanding of politics. I would solve this problem by making each candidate present a peer reviewed paper on how to improve the political process. The candidates with most effective ideas would be most likely to become the Prime Minister. People with no working knowledge of an area can still run the ministerial portfolio for that area, and then are moved elsewhere when they fail. Most politicians come from either a law or unionist background. I would change this so someone must have a doctorate (at least) in an area before they are qualified to hold a portfolio.
why is our govt trying to regulate the private sector ..when they need sweeping reforms in the government…i want mitt romney to be president and rudy gulliani to be his vice president…rudy can clean up govt corruption ..like he cleaned up new york city…and mitt romney is one of the worlds top buisness men ..i want him to straighten out the govts financial mess and limit the size of our govt to 19% of gdp
The unequal distribution of natural resources. The only way to overcome it is for a complete restructuring of the social framework we live with.
you think you can devide the natural resources up equally…what do the people that are born tommarro get after you devide them up equally today
Political corruption.
A “Throw-away” culture.
An entitlement culture.
I know of no solution.
@doctiresquire I’m sorry, I do not understand what you are saying? Does tommarro mean tomorrow? Does devide mean divide? I am not talking about dividing people, I am talking about dividing resources. Your comment does not make sense to me, please explain.
@doctiresquire You can edit answers on Fluther, please use this rather than multiple short posts. Please also pay more attention to your spelling and grammar.
deviding up the natural resources cannot be devided up equally…if you devide up all the natural resources today ..what happens tommarro when more people are born ..do we devide everything up equally again ..and just keep deviding things up as people die and are born…i believe everything is their for those who need it now ..do you feel like you want something that you cant have ?
Is this a homework assignment?? Sounds like something your political science teacher would ask :-/
No. I’ve been done with school for three years. And incidentally, I never took a poli sci or history class…well, except the history of rock n roll. Man that class was seriously awesome. I have my own ideas on which are most pressing, but wanted to hear what other folks had to say.
@doctiresquire Thank you for the explanation. Your spelling makes it very difficult for me to understand what you are saying. I assume when you write deviding you mean dividing and tomarro means tomorrow, and their in this case means ‘is there for those who need it now’. I can hardly follow your comments because of your misspellings. If I understand you correctly, you are saying that resource management is an ongoing process, and I agree. There must be constant administration for every generation.
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The tolerance and glorification of stupidity in pop culture. So many people are getting rich off of having no talent whatsoever. Making sex tapes and being popular because of it? I’d be mortified, not trying to get a show on cable network. I think there needs to be better examples for younger people to look up to. It shouldn’t be as accepted as much it is.
The most pressing social and political issue(s) of our time is/are the cowardice of the masses and their refusal to stand on their own two feet and tell the money power elite to shove it…
There is no way to address this problem until the vast majority of cowards grow a pair of serious cahonies.
@py_sue I’m with you on that one.. the music that plays on the radio now a days is crap!
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@davidbetterman & @YARNLADY If you want to see a good example, go on youtube and type in Rockerchic4God. She’s a prime example.
Sorry about the double answer. Slip of the mouse button. :)
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I feel very strongly about reducing the direct influence corporations have on our politicians and subsequent legislation. Serious campaign reform would be a great first step towards we the people getting back control of our government. Second thing to do is to bulldoze “K” street.
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