(NSFW?) What do you think are the implications of porn for human evolution?
Here is my thoughts on the issue: natural selection passes on the genes of those who reproduce.
if we put pornography in to the equation and assume that watching porn causes you to reproduce less because it is acting as a distraction/replacement for sex. could it become that those who are less genetically predisposed to watching porn pass on their genes so much that porn eventually dies off and goes extinct forever?
if we assume that porn causes you to be more perverted and makes you work harder to get even more sex, could it become that we all turn in to porn addicted sex maniacs?
what do you think is the future of porn and human use of porn? extincts or thriving?
faulty premise? false dichotomy?
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26 Answers
Well, you’d have to assume that there is a genetic predisposition for porn addiction…
i think looking at porn sales, and how long humans actually have to reproduce in a lifetime, that it will probably be the latter of the two and we will become addicts. but just speculation obviously.
They found porn on walls in Pompeii. We all know what happened to Pompeii. (Everything got hard.)
There is no future for porn because we have done everything see “the two girls one cup”. It’s become so boring that general sex is kinkier. I know that wasn’t your question but food for thought.
@Just_Justine yes i wonder, obviously every generation will have a desire to make its own new porn, at least for the time being. but i wonder if there is a limit to how much each generation will watch before they do get bored and trigger some kind of other effect in reproduction figures.
@DarkScribe Ba Dum Chhh…...Lol.
I’m just throwing this idea out there without any thought, but I’m assuming we will just become more like the countries that are less sexually repressed like Japan and Europe (I’m talking about the U.S. obviously). Maybe we can use these other countries as an example. I think we will take porn less seriously because it is so in our face that it will become less special or taboo.
Loads of teenage boys will become blind,to compensate however they will have over developed wrist muscles.Handy for any budding golfer.
@Blackberry yeah like all over our cities as we drive along in our cars on huge screens lolol
Assuming the latter is true, I believe there is a finite variety of porn variations, as well as a finite ability to consume it. I think it’s psychological and not genetic; the desire for sex and usage of porn can be mutually exclusive, and bringing them together is based upon socialization and culture, which remain conceptually constant over human evolution.
Although the consumption of porn may or may not change, the availability of it will, I believe, due to changes in media and gradual relaxation of censorship. Whether this is good or bad is left to be determined. There will be very little change in the actual content of porn, I think, since a lot of tastes are biologically or psychologically engrained. One change I do see happening, though, is more porn directed towards appealing to women, since women are slowly becoming more sexually liberated, and this will show in the media, including porn
I agree that it’s all been done, lends itself to the smorgasbord of fast food, tasty but lacking in any real nutrition. lol
I think porn, as the internet and other solitary pursuits is just another sign of humankinds apathy and isolation from what real experiences life offers.
Porn has already destroyed many relationships because, by it’s very nature it eliminates all the necessary steps to achieve true intimacy.
Whats harder..to pop in a movie and get off in minutes or to actually create a romantic lead in with a partner or find a real person to date?
Porn, the internet, fast food, all cheap and easy but ultimately unrewarding ways to make man an island unto himself.
Well I’m not sure porn is genetic. I think people start out watching porn out of curiosity and some get addicted. Either because they aren’t getting enough or any, or because they are always looking for something new to try. Unless your have some sort of sexual disfunction, most will learn to drop it because it is different variations of the same story. Girl meets boy. Girl needs boy. Boy gets hard, and then boy gets soft. Girl says uhhhh, uhhh, and then the story is done. Its like watching a westerns after a while.
Girl meets boy. Girl needs boy. Boy pulls out gun, shoots bad guy. Girl says uhhhh, uhhh. Then a little boy comes out yelling Shane, Shane! End of Story.
Needless to say,porn, like westerns, will always be around.
Not every little boy grows up to be a cowboy, and not every guy will be a porn star in the bedroom. Some are naturals without the movies and some dispite them.
I recently heard someone talking about ‘disaster porn.’
I can only imagine! Guess there is no limit to ones imaginations. lol
(The following is just one of my crazy theories):
A single gender human population. The brains of men and women function so differently on a sexual level, that emotionally we are not compatible. In 1000 years (or sooner), if humans still exist, there will be an amalgam of mental gender.
Hahaha…you might be on to something there! Funny!
I have always said that with the backwards development of men and women it’s a wonder the species has survived this long! lol
In the past porn had its limits, due to the structure of most individuals discipline.
There was a rigid sense of standards and boundary that people did not cross.
Porn has been around since man could draw.
It has only been recently that it has been squeezed for ever drop.
Your assumptions are incorrect. Porn increases a guy’s desire to procreate. Go figure.
I would be surprised if there were many implications of porn for human evolution. I don’t see it as a major force preventing or causing people to have children. Instead we should focus on aspects such as the tax code and entitlements which encourages the dumbest in our society to have the most children. We should also look at the role of women who now disingenuously choose school and a career over a family.
Who are you to determine who is the dumbest in our society?
Women have all the right in the world to choose a career and school over a family. As if there aren’t enough people in the world…
You know, trolling isn’t just about catching tuna.
@davidbetterman: Don’t take my word for who is and isn’t dumb. If you want drive to a center city where handouts are prevalent and start asking the man on the street some questions. You could also look at handout recipients and IQ or SAT test results, etc.
The wrong people have been having kids. There are plenty of people but a shortage of good ones.
BS. There are plenty of intelligent people in the inner cities. Probably a lot more intelligent people there than ignorant racist bigots like…U.
Maybe your mom was wrong in having children….
@davidbetterman: If all these welfare mothers in the center city are so intelligent why are their children so dumb? These schools which service the children of these individuals on the whole have horrible test scores regardless of the amount of money flushed down them.
Porn’s been around since people figured out how to make images, and is a facet of humanity’s course. It’ll be around forever. A lack of a reproductive cycle as clearly circadian or binary as estrus and the fact that to constantly reproduce is our prime directive makes us like anything sexually stimulating. It doesn’t make people any more or less perverse unless there’s a preexisting condition to latch on to the porn. It just is and will always be as long as we’re human.
A bit co-dependant are you?
Amongst other things.
Maybe start worrying about YOUR intelligence and issues first ey?
Once you have attained perfection perhaps then you might have cause to point a finger.
Good luck with that!
Negligible. Drinking milk from cows and goat had huge implications on human evolution. But those examples are rare.
Implication of porn on evolution?
A positive effect. There will be more pressure on couples and lovers to be more skillful at the acts of sex, in order to match what is seen on the screen.
There will be subtle pressure on both women and men to look and act better with their partners to produce the sort of ecstasy shown in pornography. Better looks, better grooming, better sex – what more can society want?
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