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Pandora's avatar

Does anyone know of an antihistamine for a slight food allergy?

Asked by Pandora (32737points) March 30th, 2010

I think I have a slight allergy problem with bananas and it tends to make my mouth raw like when you eat something that burns your mouth. I’m ok if I have 1 or two bananas but I had several meals this weekend that included bananas in the dish and now my mouth is really sore and I have a headache.
I don’t remember if its allegra, benedryl, claritin, or singular that helps with food allergy reactions.

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4 Answers

escapedone7's avatar

I have a peanut allergy. I don’t know if it’s the “best” but I use benadryl (generic form is called diphenhydramine). I like it because it is fast acting and effective, and I can take it again in a few hours if needed. I also have to use an asthma inhaler. But my allergy sounds very different than yours. I get fat swollen lips and facial swelling, sometimes even my eyes get puffy, I get hives, and my asthma kicks in high gear. This irritation sounds like a different reaction than mine.

I hope @Rarebear shows up. He’s really super smart about medical stuff.

jazmina88's avatar

Benedryl is awesome for food allergies. also zyrtec. take both.

The_Idler's avatar

diphenhydramine, but it makes you drowsy (its also a hypnotic and it used as a sleep aid).

Pandora's avatar

@escapedone7 @jazmina88 @The_Idler Thank you all for your answers. I guess I’ll have to take it tonight. Benedryl really knocks me out.

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