Meta Question

YARNLADY's avatar

When Fluther says to me "Sit back and relax. We will do the dishes today. Log out" is it trying to get rid of me?

Asked by YARNLADY (46741points) March 30th, 2010

In the box right above the space that usually has my questions for you and such that is all I saw. Now it says “We tip our hat to you. Log out.” I feel like it’s trying to tell me to go away. Why would I start my Fluther day by logging out?

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30 Answers

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

HaHa! the “log out” button is there for you to do just that: to log out. It’s not part of the cute quips they have there.

anartist's avatar

I asked the same question my first week here. I felt like they related to the log out button. I got so fascinated with them that I copied them all down. No they are random. It made me wonder why I felt so insecure that I thought Fluther was trying to get rid of me. LOL

rangerr's avatar

D’awwwww. Yarnlady. You’re so cute.

anartist's avatar

This is my favorite one:
That’s not true, you look nothing like the Chupacabra.

Ivan's avatar

Haha, why did I never notice that the “log out button” is right there?

“You came back! Our wish came true. Log out.”

janbb's avatar

Surely you’re joking, @YARNLADY !

Tropical_Willie's avatar

We have a crush on you.

Log out

anartist's avatar

We tip our hat to you.
Log out

Sit back and relax. We will do the dishes today.
Log out

You deserve a vacation.
Log out

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Have you gotten smarter? We thought so!

Log out

Cheeseball451's avatar

My, don’t you look dapper!

Log out

Cheeseball451's avatar

Ahoy matey.

Log out

Cheeseball451's avatar

Oh, there’s that twinkle in your eye!

Log out

YARNLADY's avatar

Does your mother know you’re here? Log out

Cheeseball451's avatar

Yes shes sitting right next to me…...

Tropical_Willie's avatar

You have that certain je ne sais quoi.

Log out

Cheeseball451's avatar

It’s you we’ve all been waiting for.

Log out

Cheeseball451's avatar

Your hair looks really, really good today.

Log out

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Tag, you’re it.

Log out

Cheeseball451's avatar

Let’s run away together.

Log out

Cheeseball451's avatar

The Nobel Committee called; we told them you’re busy.

Log out

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Here comes your boss. Look busy!

Log out


HTDC's avatar

We. Drink. Your. MILKSHAKE!

Log out

YARNLADY's avatar

@HTDC Ha, ha – that one had to be explained to me when I first joined.

jlm11f's avatar

Heyyy, I wrote that one!!! (the quote that is in the Q title)

augustlan's avatar

Ha. I never even noticed that! Now that you mention it, it does seem like the placement could have been planned a little better.

iphigeneia's avatar

You had us at hello. Log out.

It appears fluther has commitment issues!

Tropical_Willie's avatar

We baked you a cake!

Log out

I Like Cake!

Tropical_Willie's avatar

We <3 you.

Log out

We less than three you???

YARNLADY's avatar

@Tropical_Willie—That’s what I thought it said also, until I looked up emoticon on wikipedia.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Don’t tell anyone—you’re our favorite.

Log out

This one I understand. (; – )>

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