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bob_'s avatar

What realizations have you come to?

Asked by bob_ (21942points) March 30th, 2010

“There comes a day in every man’s life—and it’s a hard day but there comes a day—when he realizes he’s never going to play professional baseball”, says The West Wing’s Josh Lyman. What have you realized about your life?

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27 Answers

VohuManah's avatar

One day I realized that the stork wasn’t where babies came from. I don’t think I slept that night.

ninjacolin's avatar

men will never know what it’s like to be a female.
females will never know what it’s like to be a man.

RealEyesRealizeRealLies's avatar

I have RealEyes’d that happiness is always available, even if somewhat elusive.

The way to happiness is quite clear… Practically Invisible.

TexasDude's avatar

Politics are retarded.

Things that we think matter probably don’t.

Everyone is a hypocrite, and that’s okay.

Just_Justine's avatar

That I should stop laughing at myself so much, else everyone else will join in.

shego's avatar

I can’t get help when I need it, but when I don’t need it,the resources are available.
Welcome to life, take a ticket and wait.

WolfFang's avatar

I’ve realized that anything and I mean anything is a possiblity. Even the possibility of nothing being a possibility and everything being certain…

mcbealer's avatar

don’t delay joy

faye's avatar

I, too, shall wrinkle and sag sigh

Parrappa's avatar

I’ve realized that life is a bitch and complaining about things will only make it more painful.

thriftymaid's avatar

@VohuManah Did you find out where they came from on the same day? That’s the day I didn’t sleep. I was sure my parents never did that!

netgrrl's avatar

My realization was that what Abraham Lincoln said is true. “Most folks are as happy as they make up their minds to be.”

Coloma's avatar


And the WINNER is….!

Yep…. happiness is an inside job.

Vunessuh's avatar

I’ve realized how much I already have and have already achieved in my life, which has allowed me to be happy, even in the midst of being jobless and dirt fucking poor.

Contentment is not the fulfillment of what you want, but the realization of how much you already have.”

shpadoinkle_sue's avatar

There’s different ways to see something. Try to find a positive one. :)

tb1570's avatar

That I will probably never be able to find and be a part of a happy, healthy relationship with a woman I love unconditionally and who loves me likewise in return; and also, therefore, never be able to be a father. Two of my biggest life time goals, down the tubes…

RealEyesRealizeRealLies's avatar

@tb1570 Why down the tubes? How old are you? Have you a medical condition or been in an accident? Why is this dream so unattainable for you?

john65pennington's avatar

I have just realized that President Obama may be just a one-term president.

Made my day.

Tenpinmaster's avatar

@shego Agreed. Always seems to work out that way too. :\

Tenpinmaster's avatar

I came to a realization that I have spent my whole adult life caring about things that aren’t really important and chasing after the latest trinkets and toys to attempt to fill an empty void that just needed to be filled with love. Since I have found love, I found that it is the only thing in this world that I truly need.. the rest of my worldly desires are extra bonuses. :)

wonderingwhy's avatar

It’s all about enjoying the journey and how you treat those you meet along the way.

Cruiser's avatar

That obviously you can’t have everything you want.

Sophief's avatar

I have realised that I will never be sane.

tb1570's avatar

@realeyesrealizereallie Because I’m rapidly rounding the corner on the big four-oh and am on the downside of yet another failing relationship. My physical health is fine, it’s my mental stability I’m beginning to worry about. I just can’t seem to find genuine love or a genuine, caring partner or relationship.

RealEyesRealizeRealLies's avatar

You must have xeroxed my life 7 years ago, rounding 40, facing divorce.

What have I learned since?

I’ve learned that instead of searching for the right person, it is better to become the right person. Everything will take care of itself naturally from there.

mattbrowne's avatar

Only get upset when it really matters.

CyanoticWasp's avatar

What!? I’m not going to play pro ball?

Fuck. I’m going home, then.

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