General Question

occ's avatar

Does freezing food reduce its nutritional value?

Asked by occ (4182points) February 3rd, 2007
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11 Answers

sarahclif's avatar
im not sure the act of freezing does, but your method of reheating could potentially reduce its nutritional value. microwaves are especially notorious for this.
b's avatar
Freezing does break down some of the nutritional value, so does cooking. If you want to eat food at its optimal nutritional value, eat it raw.
hollywoodduck's avatar

I thought that veggies that were flash frozen retained more of its nutritional value than veggies that are canned since the canning process uses high heats that would break down the vitamins and nutrients.

While I agree that fresh is always best, I think frozen is better than no veggies at all.

oneye1's avatar

most all frozen veggies are par boiled first

Futomara's avatar

Do you mean like freezing a whole cow before butchering it?

nicolescarlett1127's avatar

Food whether its fresh, cooked or uncooked is much advisable for freezing as it retards the growth of microorganisms and enzymes that cause food spoilage.

PadmanJones's avatar

@hollywoodduck Frozen vegetables do in fact retain more of their nutritional value than do the raw ones.

Rakshna's avatar

Obviously it will reduce the Nutritional value….
It has low nutrition content in it ..

Thiksha's avatar

It will reduce the nutritional value…

Stinley's avatar

Yes, the water soluble vitamins get lost. But they also get lost from fresh food that has been lying around for a while. A frozen carrot is better than a two week old carrot but not a freshly picked carrot.

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