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Have you ever wanted someone so much?
So much so that you cannot explain it, put reason to emotion or anything. That you have done utterly crazy things just to get their attention, to pass them by and smile at them, ignored friends and family if it meant an extra minute or two with them. Even though it was no good for you, it was going nowhere and would eventually, most likely, destroy more relationships than it would form, you would keep chasing that high you get from them.
Why do I do this when I know I can’t have him? I have just managed to save my relationships with dear friends and loving family, that I pushed so far away, but I still want him.
I don’t want to call it an obsession, but I cannot get him out of my head, and it is distracting me from things that used to make me happy. It’s been months, I always thought I would be over him by now. I’m still waiting.
I feel ill at the thought of not seeing him. Can anyone relate?
I don’t want to go into detail, but it is VERY unlikely I will ever have more than a flirtatious exchange with him. I’ve been in a situation like this once before, but I got him in the end and realised he wasn’t all he was cracked up to be, so I got over it.
If I can’t get closer to him, how can I get over him. I just don’t see how?
Has anyone else been in a similar, seemingly impossible situation like this? How did you get over him/her, if at all? They say time will make it better but I’m scared it won’t, and I don’t have that kind of time to spare, not when I have so much going on in my life that I cannot afford to get distracted from.
The pain is overtaking the euphoria. This really isn’t good.
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