Have you ever lost your beloved dog, and replaced it with one just like it, and found it to be all wrong?
Asked by
Rangie (
April 1st, 2010
I had a Springer Spaniel that I love so much. She died, and I was crushed and had a hard time handling it. It took me 2 years to find another puppy Springer that I thought looked like my Penny. I called her Penny 2. But I began to regret getting her because she was nothing like Penny 1. When she died, I decided not to get another Springer. So I looked for about 3 years, and then I found the little Bichon Frise, that don’t shed. I bought 2 little sister Bichon’s. They are mine and my husbands heart throbs.
When they get old and pass, I will not get any more Bichons. I will get an entirely different breed, that doesn’t shed. Because no other Bichon’s will ever be the same as our little Maddy & Paddy. What would you do?
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67 Answers
No, I was lucky enough to find a rescue dog when my sweetie passed on. She was a darling, long hair Rotty, Akida mix and the dog that adopted me is a short hair Queensland Heeler.
I think the problem is that you can’t really “replace” a dog. It’s not like buying a new TV when the old one breaks. You can move on and find another dog that you also love, but it won’t be the old one and you can’t expect it to be.
Not a dog.. but I had this problem with one of my horses
She died and I adopted her twin from another ranch a few weeks later.
I felt better for a while, then I realized that this horse wasn’t my baby.
I ended up giving her back to the ranch and starting over with a new horse.
@benmacbeanew You are right. I was young when I got my very first dog, Penny. I was so attached, my heart actually hurt when I lost her. I guess I wanted her back so bad I thought another one like her would do it. I was so wrong. We loved and cared for Penny 2, until she died of old age. That was also a great loss for me. I wasn’t sure I wanted to get anymore dogs. But, as I said, I did.
@benrangerrim I almost did the same thing. But, somehow I just couldn’t give her back once I got to know her. But, she was the total opposite of Penny 1.
I have no idea what is going on with all of these names. Who is who here?
I am Rangie and I just wrote…I have no idea what is going on with all of these names. It appears that a person named timrangieewen has signed it.
Ha, ha, ha April Fools is a Fluther Holiday.
It’s an April Fool’s joke. Enjoy!
I had the exact same problem!! I lost my beautiful, wonder shih-tzu, and it took me 3 years to get over him. Sure enough, I bought anohter shih-tzu. I was so disappointed that I cried. I tried so hard to love the new dog, but I couldn’t do it cleanly. I seriously feel your pain, Rangie. I should have known better, and the guilt I felt over being unable to love this sweet dog as much as I could have ate me alive.
I knew a guy who actually did this and named all the dogs the same…. only with 1, 2. 3 at the end…. he said , to avoid confusion. he went through dogs rather quickly. he didn’t believe in giving them shots and a couple died of pavo… he was an ass. No joke.
shit… FIX MY AVI…. This isn’t ‘ancazzieen’... it’s cazzie.
@bencazzieew Ha! Thats nothing, George Foreman already did that with his own 5 sons. Every one of them is named George.
This is DarkScribe – regardless of what icon pops up.
You cannot “exactly” replace something that you have loved and you should not try. You will always find the differences to be disappointing. Nothing new can live up to the expectation of something loved but gone – even it has equally engaging qualities. A new dog should be regarded on its own merits not live in a shadow, they deserve better. Dogs are one of the best things that have happened to mankind.
test – This is DarkScribe trying to work out what is happening with posts.
This is Rangie again. I am sorry who ever you are that you couldn’t love your little shih-tzu enough, so as not to feel guilty. But if truth were to be told, I suffered a little guilt for the same thing.
Did you ever get a new dog, I mean a different kind of new dog? It works.
The test failed – Fluther has fallen over. Icons and attributions are not for the poster. This is DarkScribe.
@Rangie Thank you for that. Yes, I finally did. I now have two rescued Aussie shepherds. I paid $200 for both of them because they are brothers, and I wanted them never to be separated from each other. They are free to live out their lives, happily together :)
This is Rangie, You are welcome. I am happy you got 2 brother Aussie Shepherds. I felt the same way when I went to get my little Bichons. They were the only two little girls left in the pen. Their parents are show dogs, but that is not what I wanted. I wanted little companions for my husband and myself. I didn’t have the heart to separate them so I bought them both. $750 each, and worth every penny and then some. I had both spayed as soon as they were old enough, that helps protect them from certain cancers. We have health insurance on both of them and there isn’t anything we wouldn’t do for them. Funny thing,
one took right to me, and the other took to my husband.
Hey there Darkscribe, this is Rangie, Your face is quite popular on this question. However, I don’t know how you feel about this question, since funny names are answering.
@Rangie Holy fuckballs! $1,500?! My two pup brothers would still be searching for homes. Hat’s off to you, though. It was a wonderful thing to do. Maybe our dogs can double date :)
@Phillis, What kind of pup do you have? $1500 isn’t so bad really for all the love they give us. I was a little upset with the insurance company when little Paddy got a juvenile cataract. They said since she wasn’t 8 years old, it was not covered. It cost me $3000 for her surgery. It went well for 1 year, but then the retina started breaking down. She developed another cataract in the other eye, which is now covering her eye. Doctor said she would probably fail in the other eye as well, so no surgery. Little Paddy is basically blind. Her sister seems to watch over her, but we baby her more than we should, and she lends herself to that very well. She tries to run and play as before and seems very happy. We never let either one of them more than a room away from us.
@anrangieimen Your face is quite popular on this question
I can’t see my face anywhere on this topic at all. We all seem to be seeing something different. Will somebody pass those funny mushrooms over here!
@Darkscribe, this is Rangie, I think I just saw your face while you were writing. Do you have gray hair? A Quite handsome man I would say. I don’t have a picture yet. I don’t think their April Fool is very funny. It is like that show dating in the dark. You have no idea who you are talking to or what they look like.
@ EVERYBODY, What do you think will happen if their little April Fool Joke backfires and they can’t get everything back to normal?
@Rangie We have very different views on what constitutes paying “a lot of money” for a dog. It isn’t that they’re not worth that much, it’s that i can’t pay it. Had thte price for Riley and Domino been doubled that would have meant they would never have seen each other again. I did get a hell of a good deal, though :)
@anrangieimen Do you have gray hair?
No, it is just a whiter shade of pale. The names are clear now that I actually look at them – obfuscated to a small degree – but still there.
I can see the original avatars as a person is writing, but when it posts it reverts back to the joke avatar.
@Phillis, I understand completely. I only intended to purchase on little dog, and at that I though $750 was way too high. But, my heart melted when I picked up the 2nd one and I knew I had to keep them together. I am so happy for you and Riley and Domino. It must be Carma.
@timrangieewen I have been on this site long enough to know that the founders and their crew know exactly what they are doing.
YES, I can see it now. there are a few letters preceding our real name and a few after it. Our name is right in the middle. I think. hehe
I’m just writing this because I want to see what my avatar looks like…
NOW, for sure I found it. Where it says Thank———- below your message is their name. your’s says thank yourself. Rangie
HEY, What happened to our topic? There were some really touching answers.
@timrangieenew Don’t worry, it’s still here – if you don’t believe me, just do a search of April 1, 2009 or 2008 or such.
@Rangie It must be good karma! Either that, or I am a heathen deal seeker from hell :)
@yarnlady, I see, apparently this question has been asked before. Sorry, I am new and didn’t know.
@phillis, Karma, not carma. sorry about that. I do believe in Karma though.
@Rangie No problems from this side. I’m not the Nazi spelling and grammar police. You’ll meet her soon enough.
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@phillis, You know one time many years ago, I was driving my little daughter to nursery school. She was sitting on the front seat right next to me. We didn’t have seat belts then. I was on a 2 lane street, during morning rush hour. There were about 6 teenagers walking in the street rather than on the sidewalk. A dog ran across the street right in front of me, I had to quickly make a decision, hit the dog, or slam on my brakes and endanger my daughter with the car behind me rear ending me, or swerve to the right and hit the teenagers. I chose the dog. A policeman saw the whole thing, and said there was nothing else I could do. He said he would get the dog to the vet, since it was still alive. I gave him my phone number and asked him to call me and let me know where the dog went. He called, I got the vet. number and called. The dogs name was measles, and he did not make it. Now I swear to you, my daughter came down with the measles 2 days later. Karma
@bendavidbettermandrewim That jock’s name wasn’t Bobby Magee by any chance, was it? Heheheh :)
@bendavidbettermanim you’re are so funny.
@anphillisimen Why? Did you send him?
@anrangieim Me 2!
Rangie, You can’t seriously think that the Hall of Akashic fucking records holds us liable for being forced into making a decision that is going to cause harm, no matter what we decide. If anything, what you chose was an act of compassion and mercy. You could cause harm to at least 6 at least, or to one. That’s the equivelent of a pilot’s plane crashing and he chooses to crash in the least populated place he can find. The crash means people inside the plane will die regardless. Does he deserve bad karma for saving as many lives as he could?
my granddad died recently, Ebay sucks… nothing !!
@andavidbettermanen Hellz, yeah, I sent him! Everybody was doing her anyway, and Bobby ain’t all that good looking to start with. He needed a little, er…...hand. At least is wasn’t Billy Joe MacAllister. That boy was a heartthrob. Had an odd fascination with bridges, if memory serves.
@timphillisendrew I didn’t mean that kind of Karma. I know I did the right thing, but I just thought it was a little funny that it could be a coincident. So I just call it Karma. Perhaps the wrong word.
@Rangie Oh, sorry. I wasn’t correcting you on word choices. That isn’t my thing :)
[Mod says:] Happy April Fool’s Day everyone, but please stick to the topic. Further off-topic/ joke posts will be removed.
This is a serious question. There are several questions already where you can have all the fun you please. Thanks.
@benphillisdrewim no offense taken. I do think I use the word Karma a little loosely.
Its hard to say what I would do. I know my husband and I have discussed what we would do when my dog passes and we think we may not get another dog. We figure we will have more freedom in going places out of town without having to figure who is going to take care of the dog and how is the dog going to react withour our presence. Last time we went away our dog got depressed and started to stress and pull his hair out. But of course we won’t know until the day comes.
My son lives overseas and we would like to spend 2 weeks visiting without having to worry about the dog.
We had a lhasa apso, and when she died we got another puppy from the same line. Then we got a second lhasa to keep her company.
My original lhasa was very quiet and gentle. One new puppy is outgoing and confident and the other is very timid.
I miss my original lhasa dreadfully, but I equally love my two new lhasas. Each one has its own personality, so each one is different.
I can never replace my original lhasa and still miss her, but love the new dogs just as much – but differently.
As a matter of interest lhasa apsos don’t shed their fur, and are very much ‘people’ dogs who want nothing better than follow you around, and sit on your knee, but they have great personalities – hence their name ‘lion dogs’.
Dog’s have different personalities and are irreplaceable.
@timwhyigottajoinenew So very true
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I had a miniature pinscher whom we had to put away several years ago, a combination of bad arthritis and that tainted dog food (I will never feed my dogs Mighty Dog, should I get another). I couldn’t think of getting a dog right after and although I went through a phase where I wanted another min pin, I decided I couldn’t. It wouldn’t be fair to either my dog’s memory nor to the new dog because I knew I would expect too much.
I still haven’t gotten another dog. I am still not ready, but when I am, it will be a different breed and a different name.
As for the response earlier about hitting a group of teens vs. a dog. I would have hit the teens. That is just me though.
My neighbor did this. She got a new puppy about two weeks after her dog died. Same breed too. She named him differently though. I could never do that myself. It would be as revolting as replacing a child.
My family has had a total of four bichon frises since I was a child. The first died when she was only 5, of an autoimmune disease. That was horribly traumatizing, and it took a good few years for us to get another one. Our second bichon lived until the ripe old age of 16, and we finally had to put her to sleep when she became deaf, arthritic, and incontinent. My parents then got another one a few years later, whom they still have. I recently moved to my own house, and now have a 7-month old bichon frise puppy (she’s SO cute!).
I wouldn’t say any of these dogs is a replacement of their predecessors. Each has his or her own personality, and we love them for it. We just love the breed, and wanted to keep owning a bichon.
@ DrDredd, My two sister Bichons are very different too. Paddy is quiet and will let you hold her in your arms like a little baby. Maddy on the other hand is feisty. Seriously she would like to speak English. She is somewhat demanding when she wants something. They both seem to understand what we are saying. They are amazing little dogs. Best friends anyone could have. I really can’t imagine my life without being blessed with the unconditional love a dog. I feel honored to be able to care for them.
@Rangie My Minnie is also extremely feisty. She bosses around my parents’ dog, who is at least twice her size. He sometimes slithers under the bed to escape her, because she hasn’t quite figured out that she can go under there, too.
Normally, she has a cute little bark, but if she gets annoyed about something she’ll let out an unholy screech. :-)
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[Mod says] Off-topic posts after the earlier [mod says] up there ^^ were removed.
loving your dog is just as strong as loving your children, or spouse, but a different kind of love. After all you don’t love your spouse the same way you love your parents, or children, nevertheless, you love them as much. So when you lose them it is very traumatic, and how do you fill the void?
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