Meta Question

janbb's avatar

Can we get AstroChuck Day back?

Asked by janbb (63346points) April 1st, 2010

I liked looking at his cute little mug better than these bozos who are here today!

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15 Answers

markyy's avatar


9doomedtodie's avatar

Where is he?May be He has gone to celebrate April Fool… lol

liminal's avatar

You could look at it as the russian roulette version of how astrochuck may have looked had he been raised on computers, guacamole, and frisbee.

jeffgoldblumsprivatefacilities's avatar

Totally! This day has got me all confuzzled.

janbb's avatar

@benchristopherwalkenshidingplaceim Jeff, is that really you in there?

filmfann's avatar

I look at the faces here, and remember AstroChuck day, and think “There but for the grace of God, go I!”

CMaz's avatar

I say we use Simone_De_Beauvoir’s picture.

AstroChuck is a bit mascoty. :-)

AstroChuck's avatar

@ChazMaz- Mascoty? Gee, thanks.

Btw- Dr. J is mascoty (or is it mascotty?).

janbb's avatar

I think he’s a bit cubscoutly.

aprilsimnel's avatar

Biscotti? No, Dr. J is too gelatinous to make a proper biscotti.

wundayatta's avatar

You can have AstroChuck day back, but only if you allow him to be king of the universe.

janbb's avatar

Isn’t he already?

Strauss's avatar

yes indeed, he is King of the Flutherverse!

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