Are there any Jellies who didn't see the fun this morning?
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April 1st, 2010
In case you missed it, this morning on Fluther the mods played a trick, changing everyone’s avatar and names. Here are some pictures. Needless to say it tricked quite a few people, myself included. Also some users have been dissapearing, with no hint why, but I figure this is unrelated.
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20 Answers
I enjoyed the joke, but I’m not from here.
I saw it, but thought I must have been confused about who had which avatar. Thanks for letting me know that I wasn’t really losing my mind!
@Jewel Just because the avatars were changed is not conclusive proof that you are not losing your mind!~ ;-)
It was funny but also headache-inducing. Trying to figure out who was who made me turn off computer and meet my new 2 month-old grand nephew. He was cute and smelled really sweet and remained Leo for my entire visit.
(Erm: disappearing. Add the prefix “dis” to the word “appearing.”)
I thought it was great. I was looking forward to seeing what trick they’d be playing on us. I guess some people didn’t think it was so funny. There was talk about boycotting Fluther for the day. Some people got a bit too upset. As you can see, we have our normal avatars and names back. I guess it’s because some people bitched about it. (The squeaky wheel gets the oil and such.) I think it’s absolutely ridiculous that people couldn’t just let it be for one day. ONE FUCKING DAY. If they don’t like it, then maybe they should have left quietly for their own for the remainder of April 1st. Bendrewim even made it easier for people to read name by inserting dashes before and after the users actual user name. I don’t see what the big deal was. So you have to read a bit more? Oh no. So you have to look at a user name? (gasp) That’s so much work. And you know what? It would all have been gone tomorrow anyway. Way to ruin the fun, complainers.
Yes, that was me bitching about people bitching. /rant
@Allie: It’s a reasonable question and does ask for personal opinions. Are you writing in your mod mode?
@gailcalled If I was writing in mod mode, I would have started the quip with [mod says:]. I’m not a mod 24/7. Those words were my own. Also, I said nothing about the question being unreasonable. I said the overreaction of some people to the prank was ridiculous.
I’d also like to make it clear that it wasn’t the mods playing the trick, it’s Bendrewim. As far as I know, the mods had nothing to do with it.
I feel like I’ve seen this same question five times today. Has it been modded? Or is it just that five people asked the same question?
@wundayatta Hmm.. only 5? I’d guestimate more like 20.
It’s amazing how many people come across April Fool’s day every year, and don’t understand what’s happening, every year.
People not understanding what April fool’s is makes me sad.
Not so much because they don’t understand it…
but It makes me sad for humanity that idiocy is so rampant and that people go ape-shit over something as simple as adding a few letters to names or changing a picture for one day.
I thought it was funny for the first hour or so. Two hours, even. As the day wore on the joke wore thin.
If you get a message to call Mr. Lyon at a telephone number that corresponds to the City Zoo—and you make the call—that’s funny, and anyone can enjoy the laugh. After a full day of 50 or so messages to “Call Mr. Lyon at this number,” it gets old. Real old. Real fast.
I liked past years’ pranks better (“Asking” answers instead of questions, or the negative lurve.) This year’s was cool for the first few minutes, but it impaired the functionality of the site, which wasn’t so great.
I thought it was quite fun. I think it’s too bad that rather than logging off for a day, people decided to complain so much that everything was changed back and that one user complained in such a way that she was banned thank god.
I just think it’s too bad that a few people ruined everyone else’s fun because they couldn’t log out of fluther for a day.
It was totally kewl man. I had a lot of fun with it, going so far as to actually swipe Ben’s picture and use it for my avatar so when people clicked the new pic in the question, they would see Ben in my profile.
It wasn’t the same as Astrochuck day, but close…
Are people really bitching and moaning over a really excellent April Fool’s prank?
@davidbetterman Yes, there were many people complaining, but I didn’t let it bother my fun.
Removed by me. I forgot that I had already said I enjoyed it near the top. Didn’t mean to repeat myself.
I thought it was very educational.
It didn’t bother me at all. Relax this isn’t life or death.
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