General Question

XOIIO's avatar

I'm looking for a solid state hard drive...

Asked by XOIIO (18360points) April 1st, 2010

I want to buy a 1 terabyte solid state hard drive for my HP
Touchsmart TX2. I searched HP’s site, but couldn’t find anything. Also, when I would be putting the new one in, how would I transfer everything over?

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11 Answers

Sarcasm's avatar

You’re not going to have much luck finding 1TB SSDs. There’s one on Newegg, and it’s almost $4,000 (It’s also PCI-E, which is confusing to me). The technology is quite expensive at the moment. (While a normal HDD will be ~$90 for 1 TB)

jaytkay's avatar

Is $3400 US+ in your budget?

Captain_Fantasy's avatar

TB SSD? That’s not realistic.

se_ven's avatar

Like the others point out, SSDs are very expensive right now. To realistically get a 1TB SSD you’ll have to wait 2 to 3 years. If you want that size of hard drive I would go for a high RPM HDD. Many people who do use a SSD will have it hold the OS but use a HDD for the main storage.

On the second question, the easiest way to transfer everything is to use a Hard Disk Cloning device like this one17–155-602-Product

I used it to upgrade my laptop (2.5”) and it worked great. If you have a 3.5” drive you’ll want a different model. Pretty much you put the new drive in the enclosure and connect via USB and run the software. Your current drive gets cloned exactly onto the new drive, and then you swap the drive out. You can then use the enclosure with your old drive as an external hard drive for backups, additional storage, etc…

jaytkay's avatar

So what is the price/capacitysweet spot for SSDs right now?

For most people a 1TB SSD is not cost effective (though I do hope it’s in XOIIO’s budget, a NetTop with SSD is ideal for a lot of scenarios).

jerv's avatar

@jaytkay It’s a rapidly moving target; SSDs and the manufacturing techniques for them are evolving quickly, so any number we post here will likely be shit within a month at most.

jaytkay's avatar

And right now?

jerv's avatar

I think it’s still around 64 or 128 GB.

This place might be more informative. Maybe not the page itself, but the site in general.

GladysMensch's avatar is having a sale today on SSD’s. You might want to check it out if your serious about purchasing. You might have to sign-up for their promotions to get the deal.

Fenris's avatar

1 TB? Are you running a Razorback off your laptop or something? The only thing I see solid-state being used for in PCs until solid-state is around a dollar a GB like plate drives is the OS, and that doesn’t really need more than 32GB for applications with plenty of room to spare.

As for solid-state in laptops, good luck even getting a 64GB SSD.

XOIIO's avatar

thanks for all your answers. I guess I’ll stick with my 500 gig drive.

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