Social Question

cockswain's avatar

Why do women generally hate The Three Stooges?

Asked by cockswain (15289points) April 1st, 2010

Seriously. My experience has been most guys love them, most women hate them. What’s the deal?

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89 Answers

jonsblond's avatar

I love The Three Stooges! Benny Hill was great too.

syz's avatar

Cause they’re not funny?

dpworkin's avatar

I actually wrote a paper hinging on this very point for an Abnormal Psych course.

rahm_sahriv's avatar

I don’t know, but I love the Three Stooges. I am probably wired more as a male than a female though so I probably don’t count.

St.George's avatar

I’m a woman and I hate them too, but I’ve hated them since I was a kid.

@dpworkin So what was your thesis?

janbb's avatar

Because they’re stupid and not funny?

@Megan64 I have always hated them too.

dpworkin's avatar

Oh, too long and convoluted to rehearse here. If I had a server I’d post a link.

RealEyesRealizeRealLies's avatar

Because women are always offended by real men such as the three great stanchions of stooge.

chyna's avatar

There isn’t any thing funny about them.

rangerr's avatar

I adore The Three Stooges..
I grew up watching them with my Nana.
There are a lot of generalizations going around recently..

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

Not true.Give me Moe!Give me Moe! ;)

josie's avatar

Probably the same reason they generally hate good cigars, scotch and not shaving. Too bad for them.

jaytkay's avatar

Q: Why do women generally hate The Three Stooges?

A: @janbb Because they’re stupid and not funny?

You really shouldn’t malign women like that! Nyuck, nyuck, nyuck!

dpworkin's avatar

Why, I oughta…

Coloma's avatar

Meh….I think they are funnier when silent.

It’s the sound effects…men love to make and hear sound effects.

trailsillustrated's avatar

its unfunny slapstick and I can’t believe anyone under the age of 80 even knows who they are. my husband loves them. I look at the cool old kitchens and furniture when he watches them before I have to leave the room.

trailsillustrated's avatar

and he always does the noogies on my head and the two finger eye thing at me and goes nyuck nyuck .

SuperMouse's avatar

I hate the Three Stooges. In my case it is because I don’t see anything funny about three grown men beating one another.

DominicX's avatar

I haven’t seen much of them, being born in 1991 and all, but from what I saw, I thought it was funny. I never knew it was a gender-specific thing.

cockswain's avatar

Women—do you like Laurel and Hardy?

janbb's avatar

@jaytkay Yuck, yuck. (That actually was pretty funny.)

jaytkay's avatar

@janbb Thnx I was afraid I was the only one laughing!

filmfann's avatar

My wife adores the Stooges. I enjoy them too, but prefer the Marx Bros.

RealEyesRealizeRealLies's avatar

@chyna Tell me you can watch this and not laugh. “Did that sweater have a pink bow?” Hahahaha!

Stooges are the Kings of Violent Comedy, and that’s what men like about them.

YARNLADY's avatar

I do not enjoy watching people play practical jokes on each other, and I was terrorized at school by bullies who copied them, right down to poking people in the eye. I have never found Laural and Hardy or Abbott and Costello to be funny either, although when I have encountered some of their jokes in writing, I laughed.

cockswain's avatar

@RealEyesRealizeRealLies How someone couldn’t like that is beyond me. “Ever heard of a V5?”

YARNLADY's avatar

@RealEyesRealizeRealLies sorry, not even a chuckle

filmfann's avatar

@YARNLADY You’re dead inside, toots.

RealEyesRealizeRealLies's avatar

The funniest thing is All that Carnage without a single drop of blood.

YARNLADY's avatar

@filmfann Yet to my way of thinking only a very sick minded person would laugh at such a disgusting display of violence.

MrsDufresne's avatar

Because our brains are wired differently.

RealEyesRealizeRealLies's avatar

Moe can fix that with two fingers and a screwdriver

filmfann's avatar

@YARNLADY Guilty, as charged.

chyna's avatar

@RealEyesRealizeRealLies I tried, not funny… sorry.

jeffgoldblumsprivatefacilities's avatar

Meh, they’re okay. Not great, but not terrible.

trailsillustrated's avatar

I never found that old fashioned schtick funny

jaytkay's avatar

@YARNLADY Yet to my way of thinking only a very sick minded person would laugh at such a disgusting display of violence.

I can see that. I hate Quentin Tarantino movies, I felt sick watching Reservoir Dogs, while other people were laughing.

But The Stooges are more like Wile E. Coyote to me.

MissAnthrope's avatar

I’ve never seen the appeal. It’s just not funny to me at all, but I pretty much don’t like slapstick in general. I prefer, em, more cerebral humor.

As an afterthought, I’d say my brain wiring is more on the male side even though I am of the female persuasion.

RealEyesRealizeRealLies's avatar

The Stooges epitomize every males struggle against the universe. Us fellas wrestle with the same exact issue that confront them. We are constantly attempting to gain control of our immediate surroundings. We must establish our little kingdoms wherever we go and in whatever we do. It doesn’t always go according to plan. We often lose our imaginary battles against the culture we would otherwise rule.

The Stooges remind us (us fellas), that no matter how badly we got our ass kicked today by the cosmos, the Stooges remind us that it could always be worse, and it can always be laughed at.

HTDC's avatar

I have to say after watching the link @RealEyesRealizeRealLies gave I didn’t even smile. I laugh at a lot of things, but not this. Maybe this kind of humour was funny back in the day, now it’s aged terribly.

slick44's avatar

I love the stooges. I wish they would show more.

jazmina88's avatar

I hate the stooges, violent and just plain old stoopid. But bring back the Coyote…..!!!!!!!

jaytkay's avatar

@RealEyesRealizeRealLies Tell me you can watch this and not laugh

Needs more Margaret Dumont.

RealEyesRealizeRealLies's avatar

Let’s not forget the Stooges satisfied the times. WW1 had just ended and society may have been ripe for knucklehead violence to replace real bloodshed. But their careers really took off during the midst of the Great Depression. Society may have looked to them as a source of stress relief. The Stooges comedy was also greatly dependent upon creating tomfoolery for the rich establishment, the boss, and the authorities. Remember that society also had a great fondness for real life gangster back then as well.

Our current society is not so different. We are quick to idolize the villains in contemporary books and movies. And the heroes are often portrayed in a vigilante villainous manner. The general public is also consumed with the most trivial of TV entertainment. We have also regressed back to cartoons for humor, with no less violence than the stooges portrayed, but with a great deal more cheap shot fart jokes, as well as a new level of vulgarity.

slick44's avatar

@jazmina88 coyote roadrunner? also great!

filmfann's avatar

WW1 had just ended? Yeah, like 17 years before the early ones.

Jeruba's avatar

Even when we were kids, my younger brothers loved them and I hated them. I thought the Three Stooges were mean-spirited and not funny. All that poking and bopping and insulting. Just stupid and crude and witless. Back then I thought the difference in taste was because my brothers were younger (all younger siblings are dumb) and not because they were boys. But maybe it was that Y chromosome after all. Part of the mystery that I’ll never get.

ragingloli's avatar

I watched that clip and yes, it was not funny. Not in the least. But I am German, so I dunno..

janbb's avatar

Just watched the clip. One of the only good things about culture today is that we don’t have The Three Stooges around any more! Oy – do I hate ‘em!

dpworkin's avatar

maybe you’re really a woman after all, @janbb

filmfann's avatar

@RealEyesRealizeRealLies The Stooges were in vadeville in 25, but didn’t make a movie till 1930, and didn’t really become popular till 1934. That’s a long time after WW1

janbb's avatar

I didn’t think that was at issue, @dpworkin .

dpworkin's avatar

oh, I just meant in case you were worried at all, now you have proof

janbb's avatar

Looks down – 1,2,3 – yup, had proof!

janbb's avatar

No you can’t!

dpworkin's avatar

Yes I can! Anything you can do I can do better!

janbb's avatar

The fact that we both know the reference dates us both.

What are you smoking today?

dpworkin's avatar

I’ve had a charming companion for the last couple of days.

janbb's avatar

That’ll do it as I well know. So happy for you

Fenris's avatar

It’s the absurdity of their caricature combined with a more physical comedy routine that I find funny about them. The more cerebral comedy is amusing, but nothing gets me guffawing like the Stooges, Chaplin and the like. I would imagine that, in a lot of studies, girls perfer nonviolent solutions to problems, a violent show like the 3 stooges would come across as vulgar; men are predisposed to conflict.

Yes, I’m 22 and familiar with the works of Charlie Chaplin.

Jeruba's avatar

I would not dream of placing subtle, poignant Chaplin in the same league with coarse, brutal Stooges.

ragingloli's avatar

It is crude, primitive, violent, vulgar, devoid of any kind of subtlety and stupid. I do not know how anyone can find humour in that.

janbb's avatar

@ragingloli As usual, it’s hard to tell how you really feel.

dpworkin's avatar

She’s a reticent little flower.

cockswain's avatar

@ragingloli But what about how awesome they are? That’s what makes them so great.

ragingloli's avatar

I do not see anything awesome about them.

CodePinko's avatar

It depicts men being completely at ease with their real selves in front of others.

This triggers jealousy in women.

Jeruba's avatar

But then, @ragingloli, you’re German, right? Do you watch that incredibly dumb British movie on Christmas Eve, the one about the guy who sets places at his table for all his deceased friends and gets progressively drunker and keeps tripping over the bear rug or whatever it is? Just asking.

ragingloli's avatar

Actually I do not.

Jeruba's avatar

@ragingloli, glad to hear it. I was told that “everybody” does. I watched it once just to see what it was and couldn’t stand to see it again. You know what I’m talking about, though, right?

filmfann's avatar

@Jeruba I adore Chaplin, but keep in mind this master of subtlety and grace began with the Keystone Kops, and was quite the belly-kicker.

StoogeFanMike's avatar

Who cares why women don’t like the Stooges? Most women can’t stand the Stooges because they know it makes men happy and as far as most women are concerned….a happy man should’nt exist. Let em continue to sit on the sofa eating chips and watching LMN and complain about their rear ends looking big….. in the meantime…im gonna continue watching my Stooges and not give a d@mn what all those haters think.

jonsblond's avatar

@StoogeFanMike As a long time Stooge fan that is happy her man likes the Stooges as well, I completely disagree with your statement. I hate generalizations. :/

StoogeFanMike's avatar

And i hate artichokes…...big deal. You can disagree all you want…..thats you’re privilege…. but it’s not gonna change my opinion.

jonsblond's avatar

@StoogeFanMike Welcome to Fluther :)

cockswain's avatar

If all women don’t ever want any men to be happy, blow jobs wouldn’t exist.

StoogeFanMike's avatar

Thanks jonsblond and cockswain please reread the comment i made and notice i didnt say ALL women…i believe the word i used was MOST. Thanks for trying to keep up though!

cockswain's avatar

Would you say you have a pineapple up your ass, or maybe just a pinecone?

StoogeFanMike's avatar

No…i believe id say that i have your mother’s face up my ass. Your concern has been noted and shall be put in file 17.

cockswain's avatar

Since my mother looks like Curly, I’m guessing you don’t have a problem.

StoogeFanMike's avatar

I don’t have a problem with you’re mother looking like Curly. She could look like Nelson Mandela for all i care.

jonsblond's avatar

lmao…. you two need to slap each other silly and go have a beer

StoogeFanMike's avatar

LOL gimme about 30 minutes jonsblond and i’ll crack one open.

cockswain's avatar

nyuk, nyuk, nyuk

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