Want to interpret my dreams?
Asked by
MrItty (
April 2nd, 2010
(Please understand – I place absolutely no credence behind dream “interpretation”. I don’t believe for a second dreams mean anything more than you fell asleep. This is purely for fun.)
I had two very odd dreams the last two nights. What do you make of them?
1) I was travelling with The Doctor (from Dr. Who). He told me that I had to invite my best friend to my family’s Thanksgiving dinner. But then he said “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry – but it will be the last time you see her.” I said I would just tell her the morning of that she couldn’t come. He told me she had to be there. Then I somehow got to see the alternate time line, what would happen if she wasn’t there. My cousin got hit by a car, and was killed. In the “right” timeline, my friend saved her from getting hit, and she herself died. I had to make the decision to invite my friend to her death, to save my cousin.
2) My roommate and I were driving around – in separate cars, but still talking to each other. We were talking about whether or not deaf people should be allowed to play football. I said that as long as they could see the coach, why would it be a problem? I told her about a High School classmate of mine who was nearly deaf, and had hearing aids with a microphone that he had to give to each teacher in each class (that’s all true, not a creation of the dream). We wound up at our old college, and started skateboarding toward the student union (neither of us skateboard). It was Reunion Weekend. Except it wasn’t our college’s reunion – it was my high school reunion. At our college. We wanted to play volleyball, but there were no open courts. As we walked through the grounds and the Union, we ran into the nearly-deaf classmate I mentioned earlier, and a couple female classmates I barely remember. I said nothing more than “hi” to them, and kept on walking. Then my roommate and I decided to leave and go to dinner instead. Then we hugged, and left the college.
So what do you think? What are your theories of the innermost desires of my psyche? :-P
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22 Answers
Your dreams are telling you to start writing sci fi screenplays or novels…
Dreams are much more than just some amazing phenomenon that just so happens to occur when you fall asleep. It could be your most important teacher, if you let them, if you pay attention to them. There’s been countless times where someone’s dream came true.
@chamelopotamus really? You think either of these dreams are going to come true? I guarantee you, that would definitely make a believer out of me!
Your dreams are entertaining…....I go with the writing…..
I think it means you have some deep memories of high school and those memories are combining with the ones of your college. maybe a desire to be back in the high school scene with all your old pals and stuff
@MrItty lets get real those two dreams aren’t what determines the trueness of dreams coming true. I think those dreams happened to get you interested in the idea of paying attention to your dreams (which you haven’t been doing, as you admit), and it has gotten you to pay attention, which is a good thing. Now maybe you’ll be open to more meaningful dreams. You’re not going to be hit with the meaningful stuff if you cant even pay attention to the fun stuff.
@chamelopotamus false, on every level. I thought the two dreams I had were amusing, and I was bored, so I decided to share. There is no deeper meaning in dreams, there never will be. I do not, have not, and will not be looking for any such meaning. I started off this question by categorically stating this was FOR FUN only. I’m sorry if that offends your personal belief system, but you’re welcome to not participate.
@MrItty Well…. its not false on every level. Every person has every right to express what they think so long as it doesnt hurt anybody. I dont feel I was hurting you, do you? You’re not the only one on this page, and you dont have to moderate it, cause its for everyone. And dreams do have meaning whether you experience that or not. And youve chosen not to. But again, youre not the only one here.
@chamelopotamus Everyone has the right to express their opinion that 2+2 = 5 too. That doesn’t make that opinion any less false.
I don’t feel you were hurting me. I feel you were chiding me for not sharing your personal belief. And I definitely feel you intentionally disregarded the very specifically stated request for the theme of this question.
Dreams DON’T have meaning, whether you choose to believe they do or not.
see how foolish it sounds when you state an empirically unprovable idea as though it’s fact?
Maybe not to you but that doesnt mean it doesnt to others. Thats an ignorant thing to say. You dont even know others experiences and youre calling them meaningless….wow….
And you don’t know others’ experiences (or mine), and you’re calling them meaningful. Wow.
@ MrItty Dreams must have at least as much meaning as thoughts, therefore some dreams mean nothing and others will maybe give us some insight about our emotions or lives.
@Storms why “must”, exactly? Please back up your supposition with some semblance of a scientific explanation as for why they’re not random synapses firing while we’re unconscious?
@MrItty How about instead of that, I ignore your arbitrarily strict burden of proof and just use sound reasoning to make my point? Okay! Well, if dreams were literally the result of random synapses firing, they wouldn’t have even the little bit of continuity and cohesion that they do. For instance, our dreams would be a more nonsensical than usual string of completely unrelated things separated by only a millisecond each like so:
HUNGER-brick-smell of grass-falling-rubber canadian-FEAR-shoeshine-SEX-concept-object-emotion-sensation-desire-etc
So, you see, even if dreams are kicked off by the random neuron process, the brain obviously runs with it and keeps it going in some way which is really not very different from a conscious thought with less intent.
Now, scientifically back up your supposition that dreams have no meaning while standing on your head and drinking motor oil off of a flat disc without spilling a drop.
@Storms and you can state that with certainty, because you have an intimate knowledge of brain chemistry, I assume? You have detailed analysis behind what effect random synapses fire, the cause and effect of electrical brain energy? Multiple degrees in neuroscience, perhaps?
Get this through your head. I DON’T CARE that you think dreams mean anything. Your belief means nothing to me. This was supposed to be a purely “for fun” question – make up a analysis based on a funny story. Why people can’t just let fun be fun is beyond me.
Respond however you want. I’m unfollowing now. Bye.
@ MrItty Oh… Kay.
I know enough to know that my reasoning and conclusion are sound. I didn’t base this on any belief I have about dreams, only things that I know about the dream phenomenon (it often has continuity and cohesion) and what I DO know about the brain ( a synapse firing at random would not produce this effect—in fact, that would be more likely to make you lose control of your bowels than to produce a continuous auditory/visual narrative to unfold while you sleep ). A correct conclusion isn’t more or less correct with the addition of more letters before my name (I also figured this out all on my own).
If you got injured and I competently administered first aid, would you respond by screaming that I hadn’t gone to medical school?
Ok @MrItty you have gained nothing. All you are doing is approaching anything that doesn’t support your views and expressing the opposite view. Now if I did the same thing you are doing, I’d be taking a step backwards. I have had meaningful dreams, and I want you to realize you can too. But you don’t want to realize that. Well I’m not going to “unrealize” what I have already experienced. You can’t convince me to unsee, and I can’t convince you to see.
@MrItty also you have chosen to decide that Im trying to convince you that the dreams you had meant something important. Thats not the case. The only position im taking is based off of experience and a desire to share with someone (who is very close to being interested in dreams), that its ok to take an interest in dreams, have a laugh, and say “Hmm…I wonder if that symbolized this thing Im going through”. That wont always happen, but sometimes it will, and its a laugh, and sometimes you get a small little insight that can be a little helpful. its not the end all be all, but its also not completely meaningless. At least not to me, and god knows how many other people. If thats a crime to share then arrest me.
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