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Jeruba's avatar

What three or four fictional characters would you like to see in the same novel?

Asked by Jeruba (56188points) April 2nd, 2010

Elaborate, if you like: in what roles would you like to see them appear?—as friends, antagonists, lovers, rivals, reluctant allies, siblings, strangers whose paths cross accidentally?

To identify your suggested characters, please give sources and not just names; that is, whose creations are they, or what novel, movie, TV show, comic book, or other medium do they come from?

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19 Answers

talljasperman's avatar

spiderman, batman, prof x from x-men, and mr. fantastic from marvel comics… as friends

CyanoticWasp's avatar

God, Satan and Jesus.

I keep thinking there’s a good story there somewhere.

Actually, J.O.B. – A Comedy of Errors (I think that’s the title) by Robert A. Heinlein deals with the effects (on the main characters) of a series of bets between God and Loki.

talljasperman's avatar

@CyanoticWasp they had that on tripping the rift

darby_shaw's avatar

tom ripley, morton rainey, patrick bateman. how fucked up is that?

mrrich724's avatar

Rosencratz and Guildernstern (from Rosengrantz and Guildenstern are Dead by Tom Stoppard)(or from Hamlet LOL)

paired up with . . .

Vladimir and Estragon (from Sam Beckett’s Waiting for Godot)

I always thought that would be interesting.

KatawaGrey's avatar

I would like to see Sabriel and Aragorn together in some kind of literary work. the two of them would understand each other and the burdens placed upon the other really well. I think they would be great friends in their tortured, burdened way. Were it not for Touchstone with whom Sabriel fell in love, I would say that she and Aragorn could be lovers. :)

I can’t think of a third right now but since this question is amazing, I will definitely come back when I have thought of more connections. :)

Edit: I got it! As cheesy and cliched as this may sound, I think those two would make an excellent pair to fight Voldemort! He fits neatly into both their realms of expertise He’s obsessed with defying death and is a powerful magical being which they both have dealt with in their greatest foes and he’s hellbent on taking over/destroying the world. To be honest, though, I think those two could take on just about any foe and win.

RealEyesRealizeRealLies's avatar

Godzilla plays the part of a depressed 40,000 year old virgin. Bugs Bunny, his well meaning deviant friend, takes him to a brothel where Annie Wilkes (Kathy Bates/Misery) works as Madam, and she suggests Dorothy (Judy Garland/Wizard of Oz) for Godzilla’s first sexual encounter. They fall in love and Godzilla is forced to destroy the planet to save Dorothy from a life of shame. Little does he realize that in the carnage, he ends up killing his new found love Dorothy. Godzilla kills everyone except for his friend Buggs Bunny, because Buggs never dies. Fade out with Buggs and Godzilla walking away from camera amidst a burned out dead planet, with Buggs heard saying to Godzilla, “What a Imbessell. What a Maroone.”

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

The Cat in the Hat
Slothrop from Gravity’s Rainbow by Thomas Pynchon
Santa Claus

All playing the infield in a professional baseball game.

Pretty_Lilly's avatar

Darth Vader,Tiny Tim & Jonathan Livingston Seagull !! I like to see someone make it work!

shpadoinkle_sue's avatar

Iago from Othello
Montresor from The Cask of Amantillado
Mal’Akh from The Lost Symbol

A retribution of an insult of a sacred word is accomplished by being an ingeniously, jealous sociopath.
I’m gonna call it Killing with Kindness.

ZAGWRITER's avatar

1. Roland Deschain from the Dark Tower series by Stephen King,
2. the MacManus Brothers from the Boondock Saints movies,
3. the Joker (Dark Knight movie)
4. the Kingpin (Marvel Comics)

this would be intriguing. Maybe Roland comes into this world to find the Rose, only to find that the field it is growing in is owned by the Joker. The MacManus brothers, already on the Joker’s trail, stumble across Roland and a hilarious fist fight ensues. They join forces. The Joker, sensing that he might need help, enlists the help of the Kingpin. An epic gun battle takes place somewhere. “There was a fire fight!”

ETpro's avatar

Let’s put Hanibal Lecter, Pollyanna, Tinker Bell and Yosemite Sam in a room together for 24 hours and just document what happens.

ZAGWRITER's avatar

@ETpro add to that a 2-ton pallet of coke and I’m with ya!

davidbetterman's avatar

Hank Reardon, Howard Roark, Dominique Francon, and Dagny Taggart…4 major players from Atlas Shrugged and The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand.

And maybe John Galt, whoever he is….

jeanmay's avatar

(Lady) Orlando (Virginia Woolf), and Consuelo Ramos (Woman on the Edge of Time, by Marge Piercy), in a Jane Austen novel.

ThrallKiller's avatar

Captain Jack Sparrow, Captain Hook, Captain Bligh and Captain Kangaroo

opalea's avatar

Jesus, Allah, and Dr. Manhattan. Oh wait, Jesus is a fictional character right?

Jeruba's avatar

I would love to see Merlin, Gandalf, and Albus Dumbledore in league as the Three Tenors of Wizardry. It would take a major devil to give that trio a workout.

It would also be fascinating to see what would happen if you put, say, a Dickens character and an Austen character together with a Hardy character in a fourth author’s setting. Just imagine, for example, Agnes Wickfield, Elizabeth Bennet, and Jude (“the obscure”) Fawley as dinner guests of Becky Sharp; or Mr. Micawber, Mrs. Bennet, and Eustacia Vye on a raft on the Mississippi.

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