Social Question

(NSFW) Do you notice a shift in need; between older women and older men?
I have noticed a pattern occurring which involves men and women and their age. Of course it is my own observation so feel free to debunk it or trash it!
As men and women grow older, it seems men become more desperate for a relationship and women less inclined. I saw this with my parents. My father who was a real gadabout became extremely clingy on my mother, who in the past had to put up with him always being absent. Suddenly she couldn’t get him away from her!
Dating sites are filled with all sorts of men of course, but a lot are older, portly men who are often pleading for love. (I am generalizing bear with me). Older women seem to be “finding themselves” and loving every minute while men are focusing on finding a partner to spend their last days with. They don’t seem to picky either from what I have seen. Could it be the decline in sexual appetite in males? Correlated to the increased sexual appetite in women? Or do men suddenly come to realizations once the testosterone has worn off? This question is more about “relationship” and need than sex. But I thought I would put the NSFW in case that became part of the topic.