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me30's avatar

Why is my fish sitting on the bottom?

Asked by me30 (33points) April 3rd, 2010

one of my fish sitting on the bottom when other fish comes it moves a little bit and than go to sit in her place back

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40 Answers

Cheeseball451's avatar

I understand your question now, but your reasoning just makes me confused again….

me30's avatar

i trying to find out if it something wrong with the fish or the fish has eggs or something

Tink's avatar

We’re talking about a goldfish right? A plain ‘ole goldfish?
Have you noticed anything wrong with it the past few days? Is it eating?

Cheeseball451's avatar

Here this might make your reasoning better, “One of my fish is sitting on the bottom of the fish tank and when another fish comes it moves a little bit then the fish goes back and its original place and does not move

me30's avatar

yes it eating and i didnt notice anything

me30's avatar

yes you right

rahm_sahriv's avatar

Is it of a species that sits on the bottom? If there are other fish, maybe it is submissive to them?

Then again if it is sitting on the bottom, on its side, it might be dead.

Tink's avatar

@me30 More information is needed. How long have you had these fishes for? Have you drastically changed anything in your fishtank recently that would cause it to act up?

me30's avatar

no its not dead cause it moves when other fish comes and bug her this is all commons gold fish

me30's avatar

i had this fishes for 8 days and i change the parcial water change 2 days ago thats all

jazmina88's avatar

partial water change…..i wish you luck.

me30's avatar

i already did that

jazmina88's avatar

baby, i was just tryin to teach you how to spell.

me30's avatar

you dont need to teach me ok sorry

me30's avatar

i am trying to figure out why the fish mind sit on the bottom, but when other fish comes touch her she moves a little bit and than go sit in the same place again

Coloma's avatar

Maybe the fish is meditating…a fish guru

Are the other fish circling and chanting?

me30's avatar

yes the other fish sometimes sitting next to this fish

netgrrl's avatar

Goldfish only have a 3 second memory. Maybe she’s afraid of getting lost. :)

me30's avatar

excuse me what you mean

phillis's avatar

Your goldfish has decided that spot is her territory. She does not hate the other fish, because she is not attacking it, but she goes right back to her spot because she claimed it as HER SPOT ONLY. She likes it there! It makes her happy :)

me30's avatar

so you think she is fine she just like to be byheself

El_Cadejo's avatar

@netgrrl thats actually not true at all. Goldfish are much smarter than people give them credit for, they can be trained. Pretty hard to train an animal with no memory.

@me30 I need a lot more info to actually be able to offer any help. How big is the tank theyre in? How many in there? What is the pH, nitrates, ammonia, and temperature? Filter? Airstone? Are there any visible markings on the fish? White blotches, fungus, red markings, fin rot? Does the fish look like its breathing heavy? Does it eat? How long has this behavior been going on?

me30's avatar

i have 10gal

me30's avatar

everything normal all the tests show safe

me30's avatar

today this morning

me30's avatar

she is breathing normally she moves when the other fish comes in, and than she goes back in her spot

phillis's avatar

Yes, she is okay. She likes that spot. If she starts floating on her back at the top of the bowl, then you can worry. I hope you have a filtration system in her tank. They need oxygenated water to breath.

me30's avatar

yes thank you i have one more next to her and in an other site other one sitting

netgrrl's avatar

@uberbatman That’s right – wasn’t there a study where goldfish learned to press a lever to get food?

El_Cadejo's avatar

@netgrrl there are many youtube vids showing it.

@me30 im sorry, but normal isnt an acceptable answer. I need actual numbers for your levels.

But yea, if the fish isnt breathing heavy or showing any other signs of stress i wouldnt worry about it. If its tail end starts floating up and stuff while its just laying there thats a sign that something is probably wrong.

me30's avatar

no she is moving and sometimes the other one comes and sit next to her

El_Cadejo's avatar

Im going to say your fish in fine. Though you still didnt tell me what your levels are so there is a possibility something is wrong.

me30's avatar

levels if what

me30's avatar

i mean levels of what

El_Cadejo's avatar

pH, ammonia, nitrate, nitrite, temperature. Good isnt an answer, i want numbers.

me30's avatar

how can i get numbers

El_Cadejo's avatar

Im sorry… but now how is this possible if you dont even know how to test? Go buy a test kit from your local fish store or bring some water in to them, most will test it for free.

me30's avatar

i have a test it shows everything safe

El_Cadejo's avatar

@me30 im sorry but there is no such test. Every single test kit on the market right now will give you values. Who makes this test kit you speak of?

zlata30's avatar

one of my fish has black spot on her head what is this anybody knows?

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