Is she pawning you off on a friend to keep you close?
I’ve seen this in the past and had it happen to myself as well.
Male meets female. Female has significant other, but female is really attracted to male. So, female suggests that male dates her friend.
Why? I mean I understand that she has a boyfriend, but why pawn you off on a friend and risk a serious relationship happening between them? Am I understanding this correctly?
Has anyone ever heard of the male equivalent of this?
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11 Answers
I’m sure it’s possible, although it hasn’t occurred any any relationship I’ve seen personally. It sounds kind of emotionally masochistic to me.
I wll never do that, but because I love my fiance, could never hurt him, if somebody does that they’re not serious with either one i guess.
Could it be this female finds this male attractive and thinks her friend would find him so as well? Maybe she is doing a favor for her friend instead of deviously trying to keep the male in her circle?
Granted, I would probably say she was being devious too, and perhaps it is a way to control the male she can’t have through her friend?
I don’t know, honestly some things women do completely escape me and sensible comprehension.
Sometime an attraction can be both physical and a genuine liking and appreciation of a person. If she really likes the guy, but has no interest in him romantically, and she cares about her friend – then it makes perfect sense. People often play matchmaker with their single friends – what is different? You seem to be implying an ulterior motive that you cannot be at all sure of.
ok @DarkScribe lets say, for inquisitive purposes, she was romantically interested, but just feels the need to be loyal to her S/O. Does that make sense?
@Axemusica Does that make sense?
It could, but you are still guessing at motivation. If the interest was romantic, then encouraging a relationship with another person, friend or not, would involve jealousy and be hardly a pleasant situation. Would you enjoy being around a person who you had a strong romantic interest in while they were displaying physical affection toward another person right in front of you? I wouldn’t.
Thank you @DarkScribe, that was my point. I find it odd as well.
I would not describe it as “pawned off” but as a “referral” to the friend as a possibly good boyfriend. You would not want your friend to date someone that you would not date yourself.
I remember when I was about 15 and started dating the guy. We were into the second week and I just didn’t feel things were right. So, I knew my bestfriend had a crush on him, and I introduced him to my friend. They clicked and I got together with his older brother! Everyone was happy! That was 36 years ago, last I heard they were still happily married to each other. The older brother and I broke up a year or so later.. But that’s cool because now I’m married to the most sexiest man and boy do I soooo love him!! Huh… WTF?
Kind of sorta but probably not with mal intent. I mean, I’ve got a guy acquaintance I know is attracted to me but acts with great respect and respect him in return. I keep my flirting in check since I’ve got a serious SO (I’m a natural flirt) but I have thought about an available female friend to introduce him to only because I think so well of him and would like to enjoy his company without tension, you know like couples dating.
Was she pawning you off? No. She had a single and lonely best friend who she thought would match up nice with you. In fact, she only thought of you as a friend who just so happened to be extremely good-looking and nice… and all that jazz hence the reason why she was trying to hook you up with her best friend. So at that time she was not risking anything trying to set the two of you up.
However, that was months ago. Since then, you moved 2,000+ miles away before telling her you even liked her which disappointed her because she finally realized she likes you too and she is no longer with her boyfriend.
Anyway, now the two of you may never know if anything could have been. Awe, shucks!
</third person>
Stay tuned for scenes from the next episode of Drama Down Undah.
It would have been a great soap opera name if either of us ever lived in Australia. lol
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