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MarcoNJ's avatar

Do you have a broad taste in music?

Asked by MarcoNJ (946points) April 4th, 2010

Have you ever went for a drive, hooked up the iPod, hit play then roll down the windows to enjoy ride? Of course you have. Who hasn’t? But….have you gotten so into the groove that, when you pull up to a traffic light, you have the ‘oops’ moment? Meaning, you didn’t want anyone to hear you listening to a certain song?

Silly question, I know. But I was wondering if this ever happens to anyone.

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21 Answers

poisonedantidote's avatar

i listen to all kinds of things, not while driving exactly, but i have had similar experiences.

here are some of the offending songs:

steps – 5678
juice newton – queen of hearts
tiffany – i think we’re alone now

if this information leaves fluther i will actually commit horrible bloody murder

earthduzt's avatar

I think I have the broadest taste in music of anyone I know lol…I love alot of types of music…here’s my list of my favorite genres
1. Jazz
2. Future Jazz
3. Drum n Bass
4. Dubstep
5. Intelligent Dance Music
6. House
7. Deep House
8. Lounge Music
9. Pop music
10. 80s
11. RnB
12. Classical
13. Chamber
14. Opera
15. Hip Hop
16. Country (some songs are ok)
17. Rock (some songs, as age creeps up on me the less my ears can handle rock though lol)

well my list can go on or days, and those are not in any particular order in preferance

ASo yeah when I’m driving and have Nessun Dorma blaring out my windows, I do get looks lol…but hey my five year old knows the words to that masterpiece lol

rahm_sahriv's avatar

I listen and enjoy everything from Alternative to Zydeco. Can’t say as that I have had an ‘ooops’ moment, other than when my iPod started playing distinctly Irish rebel music (‘go on home British soldiers, go on home, have you got no fucking homes of your own…’) when I had some Brit friends in the car with me…. it was slightly embarrassing, but I apologize to no one for my taste in music, or my politics for that matter.

wonderingwhy's avatar

What I listen to tends to go in cycles. I was on new country, then death metal, then hair metal, currently early 80’s hip-hop (with a little 2-pac thrown in the mix). That covers about the last 6 months or so. There’s yet to be a class of music where I haven’t found something I like and I couldn’t care less who hears what I listen to, if they don’t like it, their loss.

Seek's avatar

I don’t have “oops” moments. Anyone at a traffic light is more than welcome to laugh their little heads off at my lip-synching to “Rock Lobster” or playing air-guitar to “Barracuda”, or swaying dreamily to the Labyrinth soundtrack, or even practicing my arm isolations when listening to good belly-dancing music. ^_^

aprilsimnel's avatar

I don’t care what anyone hears coming from my iPod. I’ve got music from the old Electric Company show from the 1970s on my iPod. The Monkees. Beyonce and Lady Gaga. My tastes are pretty catholic, though, and I’ve got 50s pop, 60’s psychedelia, a couple of jump tunes from the 40s, blues, classical, gospel, jazz, Britpop, 70s stoner rock, 70s funk, indie rock, rap, pop dancehall, 80’s pop, etc., etc., etc.

But none of that “Butterfly Kisses” kind of shite. Blech.

Jack79's avatar

Well, I don’t have an iPod, but I do sometimes listen to music on my car stereo (usually it’s news though).

No, I don’t have a very broad taste in music, and there are only a few things from other genres I like as an exception, eg I like Shaggy and Shakira (but nobody else similar to these two) and a couple of rap or techno songs that are not in my normal pool of musical taste.

I don’t feel ashamed for any of this. People are entitled to like whatever they want (as long as they roll up the window or use headphones when I’m around).

thriftymaid's avatar

Yes, I like a broad range of musical genres.

stardust's avatar

I have had an oops moment, but overall I don’t worry too much about what I listen to while driving, etc.
I have very broad taste in music. I love music.

ucme's avatar

Absolutely.Don’t care who they are if it sounds good it’s in my playlist.Don’t give a shit what anyone thinks of anything I listen to so no oops moment for me.

marinelife's avatar

I like all kinds of music.

opalea's avatar

Anything that sounds good. More of indie rock. Music is a big part of my life.

DominicX's avatar

I have a pretty broad taste in music. I listen to everything from 1600s Baroque music to ballet to The Phantom of the Opera to cheesy Danish bubblegum dance music to Green Day to bizarre indie music to Lady Gaga, even to Lil Wayne.

Whatever sounds good to me and that can be anything. I don’t restrict myself to certain genres, though there are certain genres that I have more music from.

Coloma's avatar

I love everything from classic rock to classical to bluegrass ( not so much country ), 90’s, alternative, to ethnic sounds, like a Toroko native cd I bought in asia last month.

The only ‘sound’ I do not like is hardcore heavy on the bass rap. I guess I’m getting old…but I want to kill the person in the car next to me that is levitating me with their bass! lol

Allie's avatar

Definitely. I listen to pretty much everything from classical, to rap, to pop, to country, to old school rock. I like mostly all music.

El_Cadejo's avatar

I have a very very broad taste in music.

I cant say ive ever really been embarrassed by my music while driving, but today i did have my roof down on my car and rolled up to a red light with Im your problem now playing. I definitely got some odd looks from the car next to me :P

jerv's avatar

I have been known to confuse people with the variety of music on my Sansa, which I used to blast at work. Among the things you’d hear at high volume:

War Ensemble – Slayer
Starlight – Muse
Staying’ Alive – Either the original or the cover by Ozzy Osbourne and Dweezil Zappa
Close Encounters of the Third Kind – John Williams
Lose Yourself – Eminem
Flight of the Valkyries – Wagner (especially near quitting time on Friday)
Bodies – Drowning Pool
The Harder They Come – Jimmy Cliff
Kings of Sleep – Stuart Hamm
Sandstorm vs. Blow Your Mind – A 26:35 dance mix
Inflatable Suzie – Ron Brule and Friends
Village People Megamix ‘97 – A mashup of In the Navy, YMCA, and Macho Man; guaranteed to get a few strange looks

MarcoNJ's avatar

@uberbatman That’s hilarious. Were you really playing that?

MarcoNJ's avatar

Thanks all for your responses. I guess what I really meant was like something that happened to uberbatman. I have a tendency to crank the volume on my hardcore underground Hip Hop and occasionally I’ll pull up to car with small kids in tow. Not really a good look for me, so I’ll turn the volume down until the light turns green.

jerv's avatar

@MarcoNJ Is headbanging to Trans-Siberian Orchestra’s Requiem (the Fifth) any better? Then again, I don’t care so I won’t turn it down unless it’s a cop asking :P

El_Cadejo's avatar

@MarcoNJ yes lol it was these two little old ladies in the car next to me. I turned my volume down like you when i noticed.

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