Do you find that there's a difference in taste with brown and white eggs?
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Jude (
April 4th, 2010
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17 Answers
I found absolutely no difference between white and brown eggs.
No. There is no difference at all.
I have had chickens on & off for years. The white eggs are from the mediterranin breeds and the brown eggs from the american, european breeds.
There is also no differnce in nutritional value. Shell color is moot.
Ultra fresh eggs like the ones I get daily do tend to not peel well when boiled though. Not sure why.
Nope—just a big difference between really fresh eggs and older ones.
I did a little bit of research about the taste and nutritional value of brown vs. white eggs. There appears to be some disagreement over whether they have unique tastes. Personally, I have never noticed a difference, but apparently some people think that brown eggs have a marginally stronger flavor. The nutritional value of the eggs is not related to their color. For the exact information rather than a summary, here is what I found:
Eggshell color can vary but it has nothing to do with the quality, flavor, nutritive value, cooking characteristics or shell thickness of an egg. The eggshell color only depends upon the breed of the hen.
According to the Egg Nutrition Center, the nutritional value of an egg is affected ONLY by the feed. In other words, specialty eggs such as organic eggs, or cage-free eggs provide the same nutritional value as the regular varieties if their feeds are the same.
Brown and white eggs have the same nutritional value. Shell color is representative of the breed of hen that produces the egg. White hens produce white eggs and brown hens produce brown eggs. Generally, brown hens are larger and require more feed and therefore their eggs may be slightly higher priced.
Brown eggs get their pigmented shell from a substance called protoporphyin which is a substance derived from hemoglobin. This pigment is naturally laid down as the egg is formed. Whether an egg is brown or white is determined exclusively by the breed of chicken it comes from. To add to the confusion, there are even chickens that lay pastel colored eggs. These could be quite popular around the Easter season.
Although some eggs may be more appealing from a color standpoint than others, the reality is that brown eggs have no real health advantage over white eggs. They contain roughly equal fat and protein contents and that applies to their vitamin and mineral content as well.
What about taste? When it comes to brown eggs vs. white eggs there isn’t a great deal of difference. Some people report that the taste of brown eggs is slightly stronger than that of white eggs, but the difference isn’t overwhelming. In terms of price, brown eggs usually cost more because brown chickens are larger and require more food and resources to maintain their health.
Yes, most of that info. is true. Except the white/brown chicken and egg color statement.
The Medditerranian breeds encompass the Leghorn, Andalusion ( which are black, white or blue ) and many other breeds of various color from speckled to solid.
The American/ European breeds include Plymouth rocks, ( which can be barred or white and lay brown eggs.) Delawares, Rhode Island Reds, etc.
The Mediterranian breeds are smaller and lighter weight than the american breeds and are also much more nervous and flighty, less mellow.
There are also many crossbreeds that egg color will remain to be determined.
Eggs can be every color from white to beige to deep rich mahogany to shades of blue and green with the Aracaunas and americauna breeds.
Then there are the infinite Bantam breeds, some which are offshoots of the larger breeds as well. They lay smaller eggs but no difference in nutritional content either.
Chickens are really fun, and its easy to keep a couple of backyard hens for fresh eggs.
Bantam breeds are a great backyard chicken for those that have smaller yards.
2 hens can produce on avarage an egg a day, so 12–14 per week is a nice addition to ones grocery bill. I give most of mine away as I mostly just enjoy watching my guys do their chciken thing on my property. lol
@Coloma “Chickens are really fun, and its easy to keep a couple of backyard hens for fresh eggs.” Will the hens continue laying eggs for their entire lives if there are no roosters about? Do you actually end up spending less on the chickens and their feed than you would on the eggs?
I do not notice a difference in the taste between shell colors (including the blue or green ones) but I do notice a difference between store bought eggs from chickens fed the commercial diets and farm-fresh eggs from chickens fed on corn. Corn fed chicken eggs have a richer taste, to me. Much more flavorful. The yolks are very dark, as well.
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I have geese as pets so a couple of chickens hardly touches the feed bill.
I spend about $15 every other month on a 100 lbs. of lay crumbles and scratch grains.
Maybe less as it lasts a long time. Also they free range for greens, grasses, bugs etc. as do my geese. Also they eat lots of leftovers, fruits, veggies, pastas, bread. Geese and chickens are some of the most easy and economical pets to have.
I’d say 2 or 3 hens might eat about ⅓ cup of feed each daily, if that, but supplemented with free range and leftovers it is hardly noticable. I don’t even pay attention anymore. lol
Yes, roosters are not needed for egg production, only if you want fertilized eggs. I do have a rooster so my eggs are fertile, makes no dif. at all because they are collected daily. I have hatched chicks in the past but not into that anymore, just pets with eggs as a bonus. :-)
If you are interested in ordering chciks and maybe getting a group of friends in on an order, ‘Murray McMurray’ hatchery in Iowa ships chicks…look up their catalog…it will blow your mind how many cool varieties of chcikens there are. Like a seed catalog of chicken breeds. lol
@Coloma Thanks! I would love to have a couple chickens someday. At this point in life, I don’t live where I can keep them. Also, thanks for the recommendation on a good place to get chicks. About how long does it take before they start laying eggs?
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I never noticed a difference in taste and eating farm eggs taught me chickens lay all kinds of colors but an egg is an egg, different only in size.
I’ve raised chickens,turkeys,pheasants,geese, and both domestic white and mallard ducks. I’ve never noticed a difference in taste. However I have noticed a definte difference in baking with domestic duck eggs. My opinion is that cakes, homemade noodles and crusts hold form and moisture better and longer.
I used to love baking with my goose eggs. I only have one female now and she is blind in one eye, has never laid an egg.
I had a big white Embden that layed huge eggs for years.
Great easter eggs too!
I find that brown eggs are more flavorful, but that’s probably because the brown eggs I have bought in the past were usually organic and I wanted to justify the expensive purchase to myself.
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