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VoodooLogic's avatar

What do you call a Christian Jihad?

Asked by VoodooLogic (732points) April 4th, 2010

I know Christians are capable, but has a phrase been coined or is it bad of me to name an evil?

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16 Answers

RealEyesRealizeRealLies's avatar

The Inquisition

The Crusades

Storms's avatar

A struggle?

bobloblaw's avatar

I believe Christians would call it a “Crusade.” It just sounds better in our language because, well, it is a termed coined for/by our “side.” I’m sure when Muslims use the term “Crusade,” it means something similar to how we conceptualize “Jihad.” And vice versa.

RealEyesRealizeRealLies's avatar

You’re right @bobloblaw. But I call it bullshit.

Storms's avatar

Jihad translates into “struggle” and can sometimes be an internal conflict or an outward, violent campaign. Similarly, crusade is a word that once meant holy war in ancient times and is now a word denoting a peaceful campaign for spiritual or physical beneficence.

TexasDude's avatar

@Storms, correct. +GA

snowberry's avatar

Jihad means a holy war waged by Muslims against infidels

If you’re referring to those nuts who decided to declare war on the world, they were Christians in name only. True Christians don’t operate like that.

lloydbird's avatar

Iraq, Afghanistan, America, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Any South American country, most parts of Africa, Britain, The West Indies, Europe.
There may be more that I don’t know, or have forgotten…...

Nullo's avatar

“Crusade” is the closest approximation, though there is a sea of difference between what goes on in a Crusade and what goes on in a jihad.

Despite their lofty aspirations, the Crusades pretty much were standard wars: pillage, loot, conquer, make a name for yourself, with the bonus of driving those pesky Saracens (who did do a fair amount of encroaching) away from Europe. The elimination of non-believers was far from the actual driving force.
One Crusade (the fourth, I believe) was actually pointed at Constantinople, a bastion of Christendom.

The concept of Jihad, as far as I can determine, is more idealistic.

jerv's avatar

Tea Party :P

Seriously though, I think that “Crusade” is as close as we are going to get, though you have to bear in mind that there are some conceptual differences that don’t translate well across the cultural divide.

@snowberry As much as I pick on the Bible-thumpers, I have to feel sorry for the good followers of Christ who often get lumped in with those wackos.

snowberry's avatar

@jery Yeah, It stinks.

snowberry's avatar

I know the Crusades are part of Christian history, but if these people had had any clue what Christianity actually was, they never would have gone on one.

jerv's avatar

@snowberry I think that that is why many people lose their faith. I know it’s a large part of why I am an Agnostic. I have no issue believing in higher powers, but a big problem believing in religion, which is a construct of (flawed) humanity.

CMaz's avatar


VoodooLogic's avatar

Thanks to all for your answers. :] When I wrote the question, I was tripping out on American white supremacy and the political backlash as a result of our current president. I was alerted to this news report about a Michigan militia and the topic of Christian extremest came up. Extremism seems to fester on every religion…

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