General Question

darby_shaw's avatar

How do you force yourself to do something which you really don't feel like doing?

Asked by darby_shaw (116points) April 5th, 2010

simple example, doing homework on a subject that does not interest you. or something that you have to do at work.

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14 Answers

Just_Justine's avatar

I just force myself. I know not very helpful. Someone is trying to force me to go to a lunch party today and I don’t want to go. So I think I wont, although I should!

Violet's avatar

I use a reward system. With your homework example, if I have to write an essay, I’ll sit down and type out my outline. Then, go do something I want to do. Then go back to the essay, and write a couple paragraphs, then take another break and do something I like (and continue like this until you’re done).
With this system, you can’t procrastinate.
With things like nasty chores, I do them when I’m upset. For some reason, I can take my frustration and anger out while doing cleaning.
Another idea, is to distract yourself. If you have to fold laundry or do dishes, try talking on the phone with a friend, or putting on the tv or music.

jrpowell's avatar

Most of the stuff I have to do is domestic. Last night I cleaned my room and did laundry. A few fortys of PBR and some loud music got my ass moving pretty fast.

But mostly I do as Violet and use a reward system. But for work and school stuff I just always thought, “If I don’t do this I will be homeless in a month.” That usually got me going.

thriftymaid's avatar

Ever heard the term “just do it!”

anartist's avatar

Avoid it.Be self-indulgent. Do something else like fluther that accomplishes nothing until you have exhausted it, when you finally feel guilty enough you will do the thing you should be doing and do it faster and better than you would if you just forced yourself to dig in.

I have spent 5 hours avoiding doing part 2 of my taxes and am now ready to dig in and finish it up. I did the same thing with part 1 of my taxes ; I spent 3 hours IMing with someone about web design and fluthered a bit and checked my flickr and my facebook [all Fs i just noticed] and then just roared through part 1 of my taxes.

A little indulging yourself and a little guilt for doing so work wonders. And meanwhile you are working out some of the avoided project’s issues on your brain’s back burner

cazzie's avatar

@johnpowell What are ‘fortys of PBR’?

I think about how I’m going to feel once it’s done vs. how I’m going to feel if I don’t do it. AND when I do it… I give my self a treat.

Violet's avatar

@cazzie PBR is a type of beer, Pabst Blue Ribbon. and forty, is the size, 40oz.

cazzie's avatar

Oh, my! 40oz is just over a litre! TWO litres of beer? You must really hate doing laundry.

LuckyGuy's avatar

I figure it makes my wife happy. I’m doing it for her.

darby_shaw's avatar

@worriedguy – awww. that’s sweet.

DarkScribe's avatar

If I have to hug my mother-in-law, I’ll go and do some work on the car first – then give her a great big, tight hug. The greasy black hand-prints on her dress make up for my distaste for obligatory contact with her.

CodePinko's avatar

Wait for the deadline.

darby_shaw's avatar

@CodePinko – LOL. That really is very effective! I think that’s what I do.

netgrrl's avatar

For me, procrastination is usually a sign I don’t want to do something. I dread the task or I’m uncomfortable about it. I can be the master of putting things off. So instead, I try to do the unpleasant things first, and get them out of the way.

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