Social Question

Captain_Fantasy's avatar

What's is your interpretation of the phrase "Take what you need, live by what you desire"?

Asked by Captain_Fantasy (11452points) April 5th, 2010

This is the mantra of a group of homeless advocates in SF who decided to break in to a vacant duplex and squat there indefinitely. The other half of the duplex is occupied by a paying tenant.

I’m pretty sure if I break into someone’s home, I’d be arrested but the police have been instructed not to interfere.

To me that phrase sounds like the voice of an illegal mob.
“Hmnmm, I need money, and desire a new stereo. That means I get to take it”.

This is how criminals operate.

That’s my take. What’s your interpretation?

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23 Answers

The_Idler's avatar

LaVeyan Satanism?

CyanoticWasp's avatar

I’m with you, I think. This sounds like the same kind of meaningless pseudo-literate mumbo-jumbo that’s used to perpetrate all kinds of evil in the world today.

I’d add that to other catch phrases that, while they don’t seem to mask actual evil, also mean next to nothing.

Dr_Dredd's avatar

Who told the police not to interfere? Sounds quite political…

Dr_Lawrence's avatar

This is not activism, it is a help yourself, the hell with the rest approach not unlike the root causes of homelessness.

This does not promote social or any other legitimate action aimed at removing the sources of the problem of poverty and homelessness.

The refusal to confront these squatters is motivated by the fear of “bad press.”

Captain_Fantasy's avatar

@Dr_Dredd The city. They’re calling it a “protest”.
The rights of the homeless vs the rights of property owners has been hotly contested for decades. Presumably they don’t want to risk an incident. Fuzzy logic at best.

CyanoticWasp's avatar

It sounds a lot like what happened in Philadelphia years ago (15 years? 20?) where a radical political group took over some public housing (I think) and the police used (or attempted to use) force to get them out. The result was a deadly fire and loss of life that could / should have been avoided.

I don’t know the specifics about the case you’re describing, but I know the Philadelphia thing changed the way many of these types of organized takeovers are handled nowadays.

MarcoNJ's avatar

It sounds like something they’d say in the movie, Fight Club

Not a realistic mantra that I can apply toward my life as a family man. It sounds cool though.

jaytkay's avatar

My interpretation is they had the wrong guy write the sign.

It makes no sense.

Neizvestnaya's avatar

Consume less than you exert.

The_Idler's avatar

^ You’re obviously not a scientist!
No, economists, you still don’t count.

UScitizen's avatar

I can translate that. It means stealing is acceptable. Breaking and entering is good.

philosopher's avatar

I agree with you.
If we allow any segment of society to be above the law. It will lead to anarchy.

gailcalled's avatar

@CyanoticWasp. That was the horrific Move standoff. They were a small group of cultists overcrowding a house in West Philly. (1978). The leader was John Africa and everyone took the last name of Africa.

There was a second stand-off in 1985 that destroyed 60 houses and an entire city block. I was living in Philly at the time.

They espoused piles of decaying garbage and excrement that attracted rats and didn’t treat their children well. It was a mess.

CyanoticWasp's avatar

Thanks, @gailcalled. I knew someone would provide a reference.

jazmina88's avatar

wow… depends on the interpretation of desire….material or soulful.

I’m thinking of this situation, it is material desires…if you want a home, take it.
Like a pirate ship near the Somalian waters.

Not so cool.

Captain_Fantasy's avatar

There’s nothing spiritual about this “protest”.

davidbetterman's avatar

Thought you said they broke in to a vacant duplex to squat there indefinitely…

How is that breaking into someone’s home?

I don’t think all the facts are being presented here.

Cruiser's avatar

I think it is brilliant and yet ugly protest aimed right between the eyes of the have’s that have done just that…taking what they need, to live and prosper by what they desire while the have not’s especially the truly down and out homeless who silently suffer while their city and fellow citizens leave them out in the cold.

Captain_Fantasy's avatar

It’s not derelict. Someone in Daly City owns it and presumably would hope to rent it one day. However squatters have a nasty habit of trashing places.
The owner is just a regular person like you or I. Do they no longer have the right to protect their property from roaming bands of self entitled drifters who will destroy the property?

Cruiser's avatar

@Captain_Fantasy That is assuming they are squatters. Lest we forget the Acorn set up not so long ago

davidbetterman's avatar

@philosopher What is wrong with Anarchy?

Captain_Fantasy's avatar

I dont like ACORN either.

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