Social Question

Jude's avatar

Have you ever been drawn to someone, but, couldn't quite figure out why (at first)

Asked by Jude (32210points) April 5th, 2010

There was just something about them…

Did you eventually figure out why?

Is this unusual?

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9 Answers

janbb's avatar

Yeah – you, sweetie.

Jude's avatar


well, I know why I’m drawn to you…

MissAnthrope's avatar

Yeah.. I chalk it up to being soulmates. Now, keep in mind that I think we can have soulmates in a non-romantic sense.

Sariperana's avatar

Yes. It drives me crazy. We don’t talk anymore but he is still constantly in the back of my mind.
Anywhere we went, we always seemed
to end up in the same place, and then when we were finally together- we didn’t notice anyone else in the room. It was intense. I haven’t spoken to him for over a year now, but I know that the book is yet to close.

lostinyoureyes's avatar

Yes!! I was so drawn to him, but I didn’t have feelings of a normal crush.. so I did not know what to do with my feelings. I keep trying to see him again, but I don’t even know if I want it to go that direction… I just .. have to see him. I don’t know why.

J0E's avatar

Yes, definitely. I remember back in 10th (I think) I was on a class overnight field trip. There was a girl in my class that I knew but never talked to or really thought much about. Anyway, one night we were taking a walk outside together and we were just talking and something just clicked. I’d never been that interested in her until that moment, something just happened that drew me to her.

wasky9's avatar

Yes, never understood it. Did just chalk it up to be soulmates. We have been in and out of each others lives now for way too many years. I think he is scared to attempt marriage and yet knows we are meant for one another for he refuses to say we are done with. Anything and everything is so right with us. I nor he has ever had such a strong desire to be with someone so bad. It is awesome, yet heartbreaking all in the same because he is scared to commit completely.

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