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Do you know if any other people left fluther over the "aggressive stupidity question" besides Just_Justine?
I’ve just noticed that Just_Justine’s account had been deactivated, and she had told me earlier that “the fluther you know from the past was a supportive place, to us newbies it can be a hostile place. It would appear tht some of the more “intellectual” members feel our questions are “stupid”. It also would appear the mods concur.” I believe she was referring to this question.
I agree with her critique. I think questions like the one I referenced are designed to rank people, and that is very destructive to a community. I know one person has left. Are there any others?
Does anyone else see a problem with people trying to rank the jellyness of different groups of jellies? Or are you all cool if a group of people get together to collectively (not individually) pass judgment on the quality of others answers or questions?
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