General Question

desiree333's avatar

Why isn't this song on any of Lady Gaga's albums?

Asked by desiree333 (3241points) April 6th, 2010

I own all of Gaga’s albums, even the deluxe edition that includes the fame, and the fame monster. So I know I have ALL of her songs. (at least the ones that were when she was Gaga and not The Stephani Germanotta Band) But there is this one song called “Retro Dance Freak” that is listed in iTunes under the fame monster deluxe edition. Now I have that CD and it is not on there. I downloaded the song because I saw it on iTunes before I bought the 3 CD’s and its the only Lady Gaga song I’ve ever heard that I don’t like. So why is it not on the album when you buy it in stores?

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6 Answers

njnyjobs's avatar

Maybe you just answered your own question. It probably was presented to a test panel and it got the thumbs down. But since it’s been recorded already, why not stick a 5MB file on the iTunes server and see how it fares.

Trillian's avatar


rangerr's avatar

There are a lot of iTunes only songs.

bitter_sweet_rose's avatar

rangerr: That’s true there are a lot of only itunes songs. Some people don’t even put their music on ITunes. And ninyjobs: I aslo agree it could have gotten a thumbs down.

trailsillustrated's avatar

I am a total devotee. and this is recent. this has nothing to do with your question but I love lady gaga

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