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Draconess25's avatar

Help with me & my grandma's dwindling relationship?

Asked by Draconess25 (4464points) April 6th, 2010

My grandma is almost 80 years old, not senile in the least, & pretty healthy for her age.

There’s only one problem: She’s a diehard Christian. The kind that doesn’t even go to church anymore because she thinks they’re all corrupt.

Now, I don’t have a problem with Christianity; everyone is entitled to their own beliefs. But so am I, & she’s been trying to shove it down my throat for the past 8 years.

I need a way to kindly tell her that my beliefs (mostly polytheistic, no particular religion) are different than hers. I also want to tell her that I’m pansexual, but she’s severely homophobic.

Or should I even tell her? I mean, she’s stuck to her beliefs for decades, & I don’t want to break her heart or something. Its kind of annoying when she keeps pressuring me, but should I just keep going along with it?


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11 Answers

SeventhSense's avatar

Accept her and smile and don’t expect her to adapt your ideas. At 80 you’re pretty much set in your ways and you’re not going to change that. Try to gain whatever wisdom you can from her apart from her views and without raising any controversy. Just ask her about her childhood, her past and her life. You might be surprised at what she has gone through and you may be able to make her a little more tolerant by being tolerant of her.

rahm_sahriv's avatar

Live and let be. I wouldn’t buy a fight where you don’t have to have one. Odds are you are not going to change her viewpoints and to be honest, she has the right to her beliefs and opinions. For the sake of peace, simply side step her attempts at conversion and stuff. That is if you value a relationship with her.

Lead by example. Maybe she might change her mind seeing how you live your life. Like someone else said, give her the respect you want for yourself. You might be surprised.

dpworkin's avatar

It sounds like you love your grandmother, and there are things about her that you enjoy despite the 800 pound religious gorilla; I would suggest that you quietly dodge the issue with a smile and redirect the conversation to something congenial. You’ll never get her to see things your way, you are highly unlikely to convince her of anything at this late date, so I say just enjoy her while you can, and don’t sweat the small stuff.

RealEyesRealizeRealLies's avatar

Just ask her questions. Don’t confirm or deny anything. Just ask her questions and allow her to speak on what she wishes. If she starts pummeling you with GodSmack, then take it like a man and ask her questions about it. Then ask more questions. Ask questions about your questions.

There will come a day when you can no longer ask questions of her. Her answers cannot harm you.

As to you telling her the Truth about your views… well, let’s get something straight right off the bat… Truth is Earned dear. You are under no obligation to share the Truth with anyone who does not earn it. She has not earned the Truth of your life. Only You have earned that Truth. All others get what you give them. What you give them can hurt or heal… your choice.

Luv yer Grammy

MarcoNJ's avatar

Everyone pretty much hit it on the nose. Just let her live, she’s 80 years old and set in her ways. Why even bother? You love her, so no need to start any beef with her.

wonderingwhy's avatar

I second what everyone else said. Part of me wants to say open up to her and tell her everything because you might be very surprised, but at 80, even in good health, there may not be time enough for reconciliation if things go south. That’s a big chance and I’m not sure, if it was me, the potential rewards would be worth it. Rather I’d just enjoy the time you’ve got with her, tell her you love her, and let things go as they will.

My grandmother and I don’t talk about religion, we figured out early on that we’re on very different ends of the spectrum, but it hasn’t hurt our relationship any and I just don’t see the need to debate it at this late date with her. Sometimes you just have to say “Yes grandma, I hear you, uh huh. I’ll be sure to get right on that… by the way what’s going into your garden this year, I was thinking some zucchini might be nice~” – anyway, you get the picture and repeated enough times she’ll likely get the point.

thriftymaid's avatar

You can have a close relationship with your Gramma without ever broaching those sensitive topics. If she insists, just tell her that you have your life in order and that she has nothing to worry about.

JackiePaper's avatar

I lived with my grandma for a spell and she ripped a Bob Marley poster off my wall because she said he is from the devil.

Nowadays anti-anxiety pills seem to be answering her prayers quicker than Jesus.
Even though she is a racist hypocrite i forgive her…..she is from an era where women were trained to be dumb and stupid.

just fake it and go along with her… is for the best

YARNLADY's avatar

When my mother was in her final days with Alzheimer’s, she enjoyed it when I read to her out of the Bible. I had quit believing in God many years before she slipped away, but I read to her out of the Bible – what did I have to lose?

RealEyesRealizeRealLies's avatar

Oh now I did the same with my Grandfather @YARNLADY. He enjoyed in immensely. Highly recommended activity for you and your Grandmother @Draconess25, and a great source for asking those questions she’ll be happy you pose upon her.

Great memories lie ahead for you and Grammy!

Draconess25's avatar

Thanks guys!

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