What kind of fantasies do you have?
We all have fantasies big and small, they often involve multiple elements of various things. What kind of fantasies do you have? Feel free to share them. I have fantasies of me and Steve Martin where we are father and daughter and are making love. I have had these fantasies ever sense I was fourteen years old.
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63 Answers
I suggest professional help.
I wish I was a vampire hunter.
Mine are mostly about developing relationships with beautiful women, and what we might do if we ever find ourselves alone, together.
uh. wow. someone saw Father of The Bride one too many times…
Turning into a dragon & eating everyone who’s ever wronged me.
Mine usually involve my own characters in my own stories. It would be very hard to explain concisely, as my “universe” has been developing in my imagination literally my entire life. It has its own set of cultural identities, norms, and taboos.
Right now I am on a beach with several hunky cabana boys.
UMMM HUMMM. They look yummy. :))
Getting stranded on a desert Island. I won’t fall in love with a soccer ball named Wilson though. I think I’d tame down parrots or birds or monkeys (whatever wildlife lives there) and have pets to keep me company. A year of total solitude without any bills, taxes, responsibilities. Just eating lots of speared sushi and coconuts on the beach. LOL
Joining the Peace Corps and spending the rest of my years assimilating in some remote village and learning a new language and way of life.
They mostly involve leather and sexy librarian women with glasses.
Money. Money to buy aquariums the size of swimming pools. Lots of aquariums.
And then travelling the world via sailboat.
@Seek_Kolinahr You should start writing! I bet you could get it published.
Another reason why this site is going down the shitter.
@jjmah Your opinion is wrong! Just kidding. You are just very cranky. It’s ok. ;-)
May be a boring fantasy to some, but I fantasize about finding someone who will treat me like a lady, respect me for who I am and want to spend the rest of our lives together, either married or not.
@jimah Everyone has a right to ask whatever they want to ask. Don’t be so harsh.
@jjmah perhaps, it’s seasonal allergies. I’m about to ripe my head off. Really, I just need to take a break.
they have a right to write what they want.
Oh serious? Going down the shitter now? I thought we were done with this.
@MorenoMelissa1 Everyone has a right to ask whatever they want. But if you’re going to talk about a fantasy which contains a taboo that is so widely rejected, you kind of have to be prepared for someone to voice their own opinion about it.
@DrasticDreamer yeah, i mean, Akroyd is definitely the better option for the incestuous SNL daddybang. geez..people…c’mon…
@Captain_Fantasy Lighten up! You’ll get a heart attack. You can join me. There are some cute island girls. And plenty of pina coladas. :D
I don’t fantasize about sex, but I do fantasize about cuddling.
Yes, I am a guy.
@FutureMemory with Steve Martin? that’d make you both two wild and crazy guys!
Sex with two chicks at the same time. Like Laurence in Office Space.
I fantasize about living in a good-sized house with a large yard and tending it. I also fantasize about going on all kinds of trips around the state, country, and world. These may come true. :)
When I was in high school and such, I used to fantasize about being with the boy who is now my boyfriend. Fantasies can become reality.
I had a fantasy about a time, oh, perhaps a year ago, when fluther wasn’t flooded with NSFW questions by 14 year old girls.
@FutureMemory like the time i banged your mom in the kitchen, indeed. yes.
@eponymoushipster So, should I like, be mad at you for doing that? I just don’t know what to think! Help me!
@MorenoMelissa1…totally didnt need to read that last bit…I was thinking “fantasy” on a whole different, pure perspective not sexual…>.> anyway not to critiscize hehehe >:] i have fantasies in like action adventure style, totally awesome and they beat any movie or show you can think of haha. My fantasies, the once since 1st grade always had a common theme which involved either me or me and my friends saving the world. I made kinda a series out of it. The 1st ones I barely remember but I know the latter ones Involved Gundams and Zoidstwo awesome series probly havn’t heard of zoids tho :(, later I was a sort of mystic spirit Samurai, and It just gets better from there. In the latter Ones, a recurring theme was usually I would die near the end of the saga and be resurrected or I would die in a final bad-as showdown with the bad guy.
Another recurring theme in my imagainative “sagas” were influenced by the cartoons I watched and I could always link the many different sagas together.But I noticed that they are so awesome because of my sometimes spontaneous creative and imaginative ability, and I notice, that as I age (or maybe the more I am exposed to outside society) I seem to have been letting my imaginitive abilities slip. If any of you are still kids or around that age, be sure to NEVER let that gift slip away from you with age
I also sometimes fantasize about living in a rustic cabin in the woods, it would be nice to live a rustic life, grow my own garden, make a patchwork quilt, sit alone on the porch in the evening listening to the whippoorwills. Maybe I could have an old basset hound and a cat.
I fantasize about winning the lottery and how I would tell my bosses and family and friends. It involves a lot of check writing and loft shopping.
I’m baffled.
@Likeradar You’re baffled about what? Please, do forgive me. My head cold has taken ahold and I just had some cough meds. My mind is muddled and I could easily start rambling off words that make no sense – like “blue shoes”. ;-)
@Likeradar would you invite Chevy Chase to your loft? Would he call you “niece”?
They usually involve playing around with power exchange to some extent. ‘Nuff said.
@Likeradar only if he says it in that voice from Caddyshack.
@netgrrl as in, youre the light socket?
I have only the FinestKind…
I fantasize about being a famous guitarist with a nice home and all the cars and blacksmithing equipment to keep my mind busy when I’m not on tour.
Impossible fantasies that could get me in trouble, I’d like to go to Darfur and organize, train, and arm a female milita to fight back against their oppressors, and die fighting next to them. It would be a gas to go out in a blaze, and for a good cause. Sounds so much better than laying on the train tracks.
Hmmm. I would love to have one of my own paintings hanging in a major art museum. Perhaps the Metropolitan or the Chicago Art Institute, something I’d never be good enough for. I’d also like to author a bunch of books under a completely anonymous pseudonym so nobody knows they were by me. All the proceeds would go to orphanages in third world countries.
Leather. Fur. Lingerie. Rain. Stars. Fire. Velvet shorts & Winnie The Poor ears. Silk dress ties. Liquid latex. Henna. Cherry Almond body oil with a drop of amber.
Monica Bellucci + Catherine Zeta-Jones
* closes eyes, smiles *
I continue to have fantasies of sharing meaningful moments with people, ones that leave both of us fulfilled, as if we both recognize that the universe was put together for us to experience that moment together. That our questions about life were answered, that we were revealed secrets, that feeling of complete attunement and understanding. Moments that we can look back on to help us get through the future.
I also fantasize about be a backup singer.
I could knock that one out of the park.
I can do the backup dances too.
Not like K-Fed, more like the Pips.
Winning the Tony for best original stageplay. I have it every year when I watch it.
Riding a giant Ikran bird for my next trip to JFK.
i fantasize about being in the doctor’s office, being examined, strapped to the stirrups so i cannot move, and being at the doctor’s mercy.
That’s kinda what it was like when I was giving birth. Not my most erotic experience.
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