Do people really have "porn buddies?" (NSFW)
Asked by
netgrrl (
April 6th, 2010
Several years back I saw an episode of Coupling on BBC America, which described a “porn buddy.” More recently, it was mentioned on an episode of Castle.
In the event of a buddy’s death, the first act of a porn buddy would be to go to their place and remove all porn.
How prevalent is this, really?
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34 Answers
I dont have a porn bubby but I do have a fantasy buddy.
I’ve told my friend that in the event of my untimely death, to literally melt my hard drive. No joke.
Never heard of this – there is no need to remove porn from anywhere – I watch it online and it’s not a secret.
@Simone_De_Beauvoir I don’t want to be known within the family as the guy that had a way too big porn collection. Then again, if you’re smart they’ll never find it anyhow…<evil grin>
@eponymoushipster are we on speaking terms and I missed it? I know it can be traced – was just saying it doesn’t matter to me…if, once I am dead, that’s what they want to focus on, fuck ‘em
@MorenoMelissa1 You have a friend to remove your fantasies after you die?
I’ve never heard of anyone in real life who has a porn buddy.
I have a small collection of porn and such, and I doubt anyone I’m close enough to that they would look through my stuff after I die would be shocked to know I have a healthy interest in sex.
@eponymoushipster You’re all over the fluthers tonight!
I have to agree with @Simone_De_Beauvoir. I’m not ashamed of looking at porn and saving some images. If people see that, I don’t care. It is what it is.
@FutureMemory Absolutely!! Especially that Beagle porn. It’s raw stuff.
Imagine worrying about porn folks may find on your HD after you die…LOLOLOLOLOLOL
@plethora omg you didn’t just go there…now we know what you do in your spare time…
@FutureMemory Thanks for the laugh of my day. It reminded me of the last time my grown son brought his laptop over for me to work on. :) He thoughtfully moved everything into a folder named “porn – do not look”.
“The Man Show” with Jimmy Kimmel and Adam Corrola had an episode where a special team of “qualified cleaners” would change your place from a sex dungeon to the place of a family-oriented individual in the event of your death. They do it within hours of your demise and they’ll even put up pictures of grandma above the mantle. A+ service and it’s a must.
@coogan How do we get them to build the sex dungeon in the first place?
I think having a porn buddy only hurts you.
Because if someone does end up getting into your computer after you die, and they see absolutely no porn, the only safe assumption is that you’re into some really freaky shit. Freakier than most people would actually be into.
I’m not afraid of people finding out all my videos of girls having fun with themselves.
Dunno if it’s common in real life, but there is a very funny episode of Curb Your Enthusiasm built around the premise.
“Porno Gil” ,Season 1, Episode 3, available on DVD and iTunes.
@coogan The Man Show was great. Stellar entertainment. No plot. No sense. Loved it. Where did it go?
@plethora I think it fizzled out, then Jimmy got his own show. He offered Adam a job, but he declined. Also, The Fox died. He was the pianist. Apparently his name is really Bill Foster. That guy could drink a pint faster than I could breath. AND he could do it upside down.
I’ve heard of porn buddies who forward each other porn and links to it but I’ve not heard of the destroy-all-evidence-upon-death-clause.
I get the feeling the term ‘porn buddy’ was created by a group of writers that worked it into a sitcom episode (or movie) many years ago for a few reasons. One, it’s a funny scenario that plays out well in any sitcom. Two, woman now think they know one more thing about men & how they think, because we all know woman like to think they know everything about a man & how ‘simple our minds work.’ Really ladies, we are more than just beer & pussy, we just don’t talk about it. Porn buddy was just a fun term to throw around when a sitcom needs a new scene to be written. It can be interchanged with anything & still remains effective within any story. Porn buddy, drugs buddy, Catholic buddy… Just about anything, for when you die, a friend comes to your place & makes your parents & friends think you were someone else, someone they thought you were & wanted you to be. At this point in time, with all the buddy movies & bro-mances, porn buddy is getting a little weak with laughs. I’d say the term has run it’s course & it’s now time for writers to come up with something else. Maybe the term ‘swapping sisters’. Sounds funny & this time it applies to woman. Who knows what it means, but it’s funny & vague enough to be applied to just about anything. Go ahead writers, swapping sisters is yours. Have at it.
This sounds so unnecessary. Why would anyone care what people thought of them after they die? They’ll be dead. They won’t know.
It’s to save “straight” family and friends the horror of finding their loved one’s stash of father-on-daughter rape porn, human-on-animal porn, prepubescent child porn, stuff like that.
Ha! Who wants to go to jail for porn after they are already dead?
I asked once for all the pussy I could handle….
<————- this is what I got
I’m glad you elaborated. I had completely the wrong idea. Any real friend would do.
The porn I watch is pretty average to somewhat kinky… nothing that I worry about being found. Nobody who knows me would be shocked or surprised.
I also watch it online and know that my browsing history can be found. I just do not care. I am probably wrong but I think the risk of downloading the stuff is more dangerous than watching it online. So far no viruses from porn and, before I go to a new porn site, I ask my wife if she thinks that such and so site is unusually dangerous (she is the nerd of the household).
Never heard of that term before….. don’t think it’s made its way across the Atlantic yet. Personally I wouldn’t bother, I don’t have a collection, & my preferences are hardly freaky, at least, nothing I’d be ashamed of someone finding out about.
I understand what you’re saying, but I’ve never heard the term before.
Without your explanation I would have assumed that a “porn buddy” was a guy like Mark R., who sends me that sort of stuff from the UK all the time. Not that I ever look at it, mind you.
Life’s too short to worry about ones porn collection.
AHAHAHA omg… I had never ever heard of this! I gotta ask my friends now if I can be their porn buddy. Lol.
@wasky9 Haha, I bet that’ll go down a treat :)
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