What was the highlight of your day?
Asked by
Nullo (
April 6th, 2010
And not just today, for that matter.
For me, it was taking an old clock (the kind that you have to wind) to the clockmaker, an old German immigrant who was horrified by the way that I prodded at the works. We talked for a bit about his profession (clockmaking was the family business), and how vital the trade jargon that I lacked was to understanding what was wrong with the timepiece.
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16 Answers
Solstice – it was a while back. Today it was just noon.
Mine is coming – after I get home, cuddle my wife, turn on the music and pour a Scotch.
Someone I totally adore here on fluther said something nice to me IN PRIVATE.
I dids not think it was possible.
My good friend just arrived back in the country after 3 months in Asia.
I have been home for a month now…excited she is back too!
I had some yummy home-made Mac & Cheese, and found some new music that I’m thoroughly enjoying.
I had coffee with good friends and the blood test didn’t hurt like I was dreading!
A friend called me that I hadn’t talked to in awhile. That was nice and very unexpected.
I gots to see all my buddehs after a over a week.
Winning Grandprize(50gs) in a Gatorade label and then losing it…I was 8 years old
Had a deep conversation with a girl I’m interested in
Clockmaking…that’s honestly something I don’t think I’ve ever thought about. Interesting. :)
The highlight of my day was probably watching “Loose Change” in one of my classes. I always wanted to see it, but never got around to seeing it. My boyfriend saw it back in 9th grade (and subsequently became obsessed with it). It was very interesting (and full of holes…lol).
Then of course, who could leave out watching Lost? That’s always a highlight. :)
@DominicX How could I forget about Lost? I’ll add that to my highlights list too. :)
I got to keep both of my grandson’s overnight. It was supposed to be the whole weekend, but Mom was nursing, and she just missed him too much, even with the pump.
We had a lot of fun before mommy and daddy came to get them.
seeing the dog grin. having my mom visit. moments of not much pain.
I made some kickass campaign posters for my friend in paint shop pro for his student government campaign.
Here, check ‘em out….
I got a LOT accomplished today, from housework to communication. I made fabulous headway on an issue that has thus far gone unresolved. Baby steps, baby!
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