General Question

Nullo's avatar

Looking to buy a new keyboard. Any suggestions?

Asked by Nullo (22033points) April 6th, 2010

I currently use a nice little Logitech. My first inclination is to just go out and buy the same model, but I find myself wondering if there might not be something more suitable. Thoughts?

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9 Answers

jazmina88's avatar

nord 84 weighted keys… a piano and you can tuna phish

jrpowell's avatar

I like to go to the store and try them out. I have a Belkin one I bought at OfficeMax for 10 bucks that is a hell off a lot better then the shitty one that came with my iMac. I wouldn’t really buy one from recommendations or the Internet. You are constantly using it so you might as well take it for a test drive.

Captain_Fantasy's avatar

It’s a keyboard. There’s no brand that’s going to give that much more functionality.
Don’t spend over $20

Axemusica's avatar

one with keys.

XOIIO's avatar

If I ever bought a keyboard it would be this, Yes, it is a geek orgasm.

You could also buy a laptop, I hear they are keyboards with a computer built in!

thriftymaid's avatar

The last one I bought is washable. I like being able to completely submerge it. It didn’t cost much more than the others.

davidbetterman's avatar

Get a Moog Synthesizer. They rock..

justn's avatar

I love my new Apple keyboard. Just go to a store and try some out.

Nullo's avatar

Thank you all for your suggestions. And a special thanks to you musicians who gave good advice but for the wrong sort of keyboard; sadly, I only have ranks in Musical Instrument (Recorder), and may not fully appreciate your input.

A laptop would be phenomenally more expensive than a keyboard. :\

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