What do you do (if anything) to make the world a better place?
My sister is all about love and she says that to make the world a better place, she does the following daily:
1. Pick up a piece of trash
2. Compliment someone
3. Use a new word in a sentence
Do you do anything to make the world a better place?
Do you think that these small gestures make a difference among all the corruption, greed, and hatred?
Or do these things just make your world a better place?
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50 Answers
Well without wanting to sound too hippyish.I strive to make everyone around me as happy as they possibly can be.Happiness, it really is good for you,simple.Peace out.
I make music. I raise intelligent children. I care for and about our environment both globally and locally. I facilitate and add to the creation of new ideas.
I think it’s not really about making a difference with every little action – although I do think they help – I think it’s more about the examples we set and spread.
I do my best to be a cool dude.
this whole question is a bit too hippie for me
Smile, even at the grumpy, obnoxious people!
Simple: make the earth only have one language. we still might not like each other, but at least we would be able to understand all the swear words.
I refrain from bitching and complaining constantly ;) except on holidays.It’s tradition
@JeanPaulSartre – TY. :-)
Simone_De_Beauvoir does not think so. We have that love hate thing going on. ;-)
I do volunteer work – have since 97. I don’t think it matters what type of volunteer work someone does, but I think doing something for others at least occassionally is important.
I think my ideology is similiar to your sister’s – I’m “all about” love, I guess you could say. Doing little things for people just to show them you care seems to go such a long way. Hold the door for someone – help someone if it shows that they need it. Go the extra mile.
My hope is that people realize this and are inspired to “pay it forward” – maybe they’ll try to treat people more kind or do a simple gesture for someone out of the blue.
@netgrrl Good for you.I used to do voluntary at the local Alzheimers Disease Society.Good for the soul.
The normal stuff. Recycling, donating to charities, try to be courteous and safe, small gestures to help the community (picking up trash, shoveling my elderly neighbor’s walkway, buying Joe Corbi’s from the little school kids, etc.)
I’m big on going out with a smile on my face, believe that happy, cheerful energy is contagious and beneficial to all.
On a more personal level I care for my 5 acres, the wildlife, my animals, don’t use pesticides or other toxic chemicals on my land, don’t cut down trees, and my place is a haven for wild turkeys, deer, birds of all kinds, foxes, coyotes, bobcat, raccoons, skunks, possums, frogs, snakes, lizards and the occasional cougar.
I love it when the deer and turkey hunters chase the animals onto my property. Hah!
NO! You cannot hunt in my haven, go away! lol
@ChazMaz well I disagree with you on a number of things, certainly – but your coolness is affirmed.
Well we learn from disagreement. As long as I am cool. All is cool. :-)
I pay money to 2 charities every month by direct debit, & I exercise the manners I was taught as a child.
I actually listen when people talk. Not just wait for my turn to speak.
I do my best to be there for friends and family when they need it. I especially try to do my best to be a good example for my little brother (13 years my junior). I’m usually very kind and courteous to strangers. I try to stay positive and spread humor and happiness around. I donate to a few charities. I will usually pick up trash when I see it on the ground. I work with the Natural Resources Conservation Service, and often volunteer helping to restore damaged ecosystems/habitats. And, I sometimes do the dishes even when I’m not the one who dirtied them in the first place. That last one is probably definitely the best thing that I do. ~
Practice LOVE. Live compassion.
@jazmina88 Practice LOVE.
As in “Lie down – I think I love you”? (An old ‘70s Bumper Sticker.)
I have done many things over the course of my life to make the world a better place. Most of it is political work—trying to reduce the number of nukes, make energy prices more affordable for poor people, fixing up the environment, and on and on. Later on, I spent twelve years of my life trying to get universal health coverage in this country. Seven years after I quit working on it, we took a big step towards that (although we still have far to go).
I make music and write to help people feel better and have a greater understanding of our world. I dance, as well, developing a spiritual practice that is very effective at helping people cope with the stresses of their lives.
I currently work in an academic institution, helping researchers do better research that will help provide more effective answers to the world’s problems.
I bring up my children to be the kind of human being I wish I was. I hope they will try to make the world a better place, as well.
We have an organic farm that is about 80% energy self-sufficient (PV,wind turbines and biodiesel). Installing a fourth wind turbine will bring us close to 100%. Most of our short errands are done using a plug-in electric vehicle (charged from PV and wind turbines), converted from a 1964 VW pickup. All of our other working vehicles run on biodiesel. Our house is partly underground, superinsulated and uses only 2 cords of firewood to heat each season. We’re growing hybrid castor beans for biodiesel (on land not suitable for food production). Next year we’ll be experimenting with anaerobic digestion of animal and plant wastes to produce methane gas fuel (thermally equivalent to natural gas) and organic fertilizer. The farm has yet to show a profit, but is close to breaking even. Basically, minimizing energy and environmental footprint and demonstrating how to do this to others is how I’m trying to leave the world a better place than I found it.
I’m making sure my kids grow up bilingual.
Acknowledge God, Know His purpose in creating you and Follow His commandments. And the world would be a better place.
@johnjacob Acknowledge God,
If he existed many people would acknowledge him. He might not like the sort of acknowledgment or the type of language used, but he would certainly get some.
@johnjacob that appears to be the source of much of the evil in the world.
Majorrich’s theory on human aggression: I have observed that aggression between humans seems to occur where people wear uncomfortable shoes. For example, Middle East: Sandals. Africa: Sandals or no shoes. Haiti: Sandals, No shoes. Southeast Asia: Sandals, cheap Chinese shoes.
The common element in all these observed ‘hot spots’ seems to be the wearing of sandals and other uncomfortable footwear. I have observed a marked reduction in man’s aggression when wearing comfortable shoes. So, If we were to airlift a couple million pairs of hushpuppies into these areas everyone will be comfortable and less likely to attack one another. Thereby achieving world peace.
I try to better myself. If everybody actually did this there’d be no problems.
Bragging time. XD
Click to Give and Free Rice.
And a modest monthly contribution to SOS Children’s Villages and the Red Cross. I think that’s the most substantial contribution I make to a world improvement endeavour that actually has realistic aspirations, a properly planned approach and verifiable results.
I spend much time advocating reason and sanity; I think much misery in the world is caused by human irrationality, including but not limited to religious wars and other vendettas, and persecution of minorities. In a saner world, the Catholics and Protestants in Ireland and the Muslims and Jews in Israel wouldn’t go to such lengths to ruin each other’s lives, racism would not lead to intolerance and being gay wouldn’t get you in trouble anywhere, for a few examples.
On a smaller scale, I try to conserve electricity, water and plastic bags. I occasionally pick up windblown shopping bags or can or whatnot and put them in a trashcan.
And I try to be a voice of (humanist) optimism to people who feel down.
I try to make at least 1 stranger and 1 person I know smile every day. I volunteer at soup kitchens, homeless shelters, etc. I donate money every month to a few local and global charities. I try my very best to not give money to businesses who support groups/causes I disagree with. I attend rallies, peaceful protests, etc. when I can. I pick up litter when I see it. I take animals to the vet/shelter when I see them abandoned. I walk away from arguments before they reach the boiling point. I try to put only natural ingredients in and on my body (organic makeup, lotion, foods, etc). I plant trees, flowers, veggies. I take as little medication as possible. I teach kids about religions and evolution; I teach them to learn about everything and make their own decisions not based on anyone else. I use lamps and conserve energy/water. I do what I can to make the world a better place.
@hug_of_war It’s a shame you feel that way. The concept behind Pay It Forward is one we could all learn from and should strive to be. Frankly the world could learn a thing or two from hippies.
Compliment people and love them well.
I try to live my life as best I can with as much as I want and can get for myself while trying to do the least amount of harm to others. It kind of keeps a lid on excess and outright selfishness.
I concur. Hippies may have gone out of style, but they had a few good ideas.
I write erotic/horror/thriller/sf stories that give people pleasure. I’ve even been told on more than one occasion that I’ve been the cause of imrpoving someone’s love life.
I’d say Vote for the right guy and tell your children to behave good.
And of course picking up trash would be good too. I do it and my friends are like whaa?
why did you do that? i say well we share the world like a room and sometimes you want to clean your room. And give it a fresh air by opening the windows.
At least once a day I will try and experience something that makes me think ”Wow, that is amazing.”
Amongst doing other things…....
I’ve had a foster child since 1982— well, different ones!
@faye it would have been a foster adult by now…
Oh my yes and there have been about 7 more. Fosters Parents Plan of Canada sometimes has to pull out of countries.
The only way to make the world a better place is to remove all the people.
@DarkScribe – Nah! Don’t get rid of all the people—just get rid of all the conservatives. Or, better yet, send them all to someplace like Texas, and wall it off, and then impose a new Constitution where there would be no social programs whatsoever. They’d all have to drive SUVs because there would be no public roads. And they’d all become even more ignorant than they are already because there’d be no public schools (the few wealthy ones would go to private schools, become highly educated, become liberals, and forced to leave Texas—though under conservative rule, all the wealth would gradually concentrate among fewer and fewer insanely wealthy people while the majority would get poorer and poorer, so the issue would eventually become moot). Or if you get laid off your job, you’d be expected to commit suicide so as not to be a drain on society and/or burden on hard-working Texans. Or if your health insurance company cancels your coverage because you got cancer, and another company won’t cover a pre-existing condition, and you can’t afford the thousands of dollars for treatment, you’d be driven out into the middle of the desert and left to die. That’s the kind of society they seem to want…
Now, let the flames begin…
put an end to the all things electrical
@Fyrius I guess we won’t be seeing you here much longer, then…
A wooden computer powered by Sketch-O-Graph carrying bees?
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