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LuckyGuy's avatar

What is the title of the poem about a Mayfly that only lives for one day?

Asked by LuckyGuy (43889points) April 7th, 2010

The poem was about how short life is. I vaguely remember it was called Ephemera or something like that but have already searched and can’t find it. Who wrote it?

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10 Answers

marinelife's avatar

Are you sure you don’t mean this one?

Mayflies by Richard Wilbur

LuckyGuy's avatar

Those were not they way I remembered it. It had something to do with their whole life passing in just one day. They are born, live in a frenzy and die in that one day.

rpm_pseud0name's avatar

& some days, it rains all day.

Ame_Evil's avatar

by Mary Ann Hoberman

Think how fast a year flies by
A month flies by
A week flies by
Think how fast a day flies by
A Mayfly’s life lasts but a day
A single day
To live and die
A single day
How fast it goes
The day
The Mayfly
Both of those.
A Mayfly flies a single day
The daylight dies and darkness grows
A single day
How fast it flies
A mayfly’s life
How fast it goes.

LuckyGuy's avatar

@Ame_Evil You got it! That’s the one!

lloydbird's avatar

Was it worth it? @worriedguy

Or have you just confirmed what you really thought of it?

LuckyGuy's avatar

@lloydbird Yes it was. I was trying to explain the poem to someone who has a family member with cancer. The conversation was actually brighter than you’d think. I was comparing us to being somewhere between Mayflies and Ents (from the Hobbit).

lloydbird's avatar

@worriedguy GA in that case. And well done.

Though still not so sure about the quality of the poem.

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