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What does April 19th mean to you?
To me it will always be the birthday of this girl I worked with when I was just out of high school. But that’s irrelevant because the title is a bit misleading. April 19th is the date of the mass suicide/murder at the Branch Davidian compound in Waco texas. It is also the date that Timothy McVeigh bombed the Federal Building in Oklahoma. As such it is an important date to the really wacko right wing fringe who actually want to kill people over liberal policies. Given the current climate, with the highly volatile rhetoric on FOX News, the internet, and even the floor of Congress, with Congress members’ live threatened, a right wing group arrested for planning to kill cops, an anti tax terrorist flying his aircraft into the IRS building, the murder of a guard at the holocaust museum by a white supremacist, and the murder of a doctor in church by an anti abortion extremist, do you think that we will see some terrorist act by right wing extremists in the U.S. on April 19th this year?
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