How about we make April 7th Bitch about Fluther Day?
Asked by
janbb (
April 7th, 2010
There’s been an awful lot of feudin’ and fightin’ around here the past few days. I personally find it quite upsetting so here’s what I propose. (Just for the record, I think the quality goes up and down, there are great newbies and rotten oldbies and “some days are like that, even in Australia.”)
This is the official bitch question but I make the rules (and I would nominate myself for the position of O.B.)
1. You only get to post only once.
2. You cannot respond to anyone else’s post.
3. Absolutely no lurve can be awarded.
Wanna play?
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102 Answers
I’ll start. I just posted an absolutely brilliantly crafted, adorable answer to a question about food aversions and the question was pulled for editing. Dang!
We already did that on April 1st.
My lurve seems to be stuck.
I’m feeling quite dejected.
is that enough whining ?
I burned the roof of my mouth with a pizza bagel bite while logged into Fluther, therefore, it is Fluther’s fault.
AstroChuck should be tried as an adult.
People insist on crying and whining about how a freaking public, free website isn’t exactly tailored to their individual needs and desires.
@kevbo I would give you lurve for that if it wasn’t against the rules.
@janbb I have not noticed the problems you have mentioned for the last couple of days. Could you provide links?
I think there has been a dearth of great questions (some few exceptions) lately, but that comes and goes. I don’t even feel too bad about it.
Fluther is sucking the life out of my home-chores time. Fluther sucks.
I was soooo looking forward to washing dishes and re-organizing my sock drawer…until I logged into Fluther.
FLuuuuuutttthhherrrr. Damn you!
I am happy to oblige by the propsed rules as long as no one makes snide or personal remarks toward anyone, or anything that they wrote. Let’s keep it all business, nothing personal. I won’t point anyone, either.
My complaint is that I can’t find the meta category on the main page.
[Edited] I now know where it is. Complaint withdrawn.
I am sick to death of questions asking people how they feel about fluther and what they love or hate about fluther and what they’d like to change about fluther. Gahhh! I want to take all such questions and staple them inside a paper bag along with a pound of overcooked broccoli left behind on the stove for a day and drop them off the Golden Gate Bridge. Ack! Ack! I don’t even want to answer this one. I am doing it only because I lurve janbb.
Oh, @janbb, I hope that your question is a lint magnet for all the crabby, querulous, and disgruntled lint clinging to the pages of fluther so the rest of our threads can be cleaner.
Some people on here seem to carry grudges against other contributers.
Can’t we all just get along?
Tonight for me a first, all three of my questions culled.I feel the occassion should be marked in some small way.Never mind i’m sure fluther knows best, happy days.
I’ve heard from several people that the mods are pulling questions left and right. I’ve experienced this, too and it pissed me off. Now, however, I’m letting it go. It’s gone. I understand that there are a plethora of questions lately that are of little value and the mods have to be kept on their toes.
One thing I’m getting annoyed by is the sheer nastiness of some users. If you find a question doesn’t meet your personal standards, just don’t fucking click on it. Leave it alone. It is not your job to berate, scold, correct, mock, call out, taunt or otherwise punish the asker. We already have mods and you are not Fluther’s father or mother. Go be a crotchety elitist somewhere else. Fin
Why can’t we have a Men of Fluther calendar?!
(Women too. I would never leave you out!) ;)
{OB says} Seein’ some GAs here. It’s hard not to use that trigger finger, ain’t it?
@janbb We discussed this in PMs, but I feel a need to make my apology publicly. I accidentally GA’d someone before I could remember not to, despite my agreement that I would go along with that rule. I didn’t do it because I felt I was exempt. I really did forget.
{OB says) @phillis Dang. I was just about to GA you for that!
I am seeing a lot of nastiness lately and I don’t see the need for it. If you don’t like the thread, ignore it, stop being rude to each other.
p.s. I SO agree with @jonsblond but the rules say no GA, so I won’t GA her. But really, a fluther guy calender would be awesome.
—@janbb It’ll be our secret :)
{OB says} (Since I am the self-appointed OB, I can post as many times as I want.)
I think the calendar idea is a great one and maybe we should start s thread with nominees! Blondesjon has got to be on it!
Once I tried to study for a test, but Fluther kept distracting me. Then on the day of the test, I scored a perfect grade on the test. So thank you, Fluther
{OB says} By the way, I am giving everyone who posts much lurve in my heart. As my old aunts used to say, “That and a nickel will get you a ride on the Staten Island ferry.”
Time to bitch, eh? Well, I’m not very fond of the brownish-orange color of the bars at the top and bottom of the page. So there, take that, Fluther!
Let’s just have a Jellies of Fluther calendar. We’re a good lookin’ bunch. I nominate myself for lead photographer.
Nothing to bitch about.
I do like the calendar idea, though. =)
~~This question sucks, can’t even think of a witty remark…~~
I hate that people try and change so many things about fluther without giving themselves time to acclimatize. I’m sick and tired of people asking the same questions about why their questions or answers were pulled when their queries could easily be answered in the guidelines. I hate how people often don’t read the details or other responses and then get pissy when someone points out that they obviously didn’t do that.
@janbb: May I propose a fourth rule? Nothing that is brought up here can be used against the jelly who wrote it.
{OB says} @KatawaGrey For sure – that’s a good rule! Let it be done!
MIlo here; I’d much rather make it “Bitch about Gail Day.”
@phillis Left the god damn toilet seat up again!!! WTH!!
{OB says} Remember, you’re only allowed one post – except for me that is.
Um…I just came in to order a pound of cheese. Should I not be here?
{OB says} Cheddar or munster? (But you have to pm me your answer according to my rules.)
@dpworkin As long as it’s equal hatred, I’m fine with it. We’re good :)
{OB says} One post only @phillis. Do I have to spank you?
Because bitching about Fluther solves everything, guys..
Listen to this and shush it.
Lurve for everyone. Except janbb because she doesn’t want it.
@janbb How cruel! You ask me a question and I can’t respond? Ack! I just posted again! :)
My delusions of controlling a thread to make a point have now been totally destroyed. Do whatever the fuck you want, everyone! :-)
@Trillian Here’s your stinkin’ cheese!
(And y’all can now feel free to GQ or GA me any time you want.)
Bahahaha!!! I’ve been dying to point you! Damn, that felt good :)
@janbb I lurve you. And I lurve the idea of a fluther calendar. I nominate that hunky @fireside for a warm in-front-of-a-cozy-fire January pic.
I’m a little ashamed to say I find it kind of interesting when there are brouhahas here, kind of like slowing down for an accident.
I’m not really sure what this is all about and maybe that’s a good thing…
But I do have one thing to bitch about: I am tired of the “quality has decreased! It’s not like how it was in the olden days! Too many noooobs. WAAAAAAAAAAAH!” questions lately. If you don’t like the quality, IMPROVE IT YOURSELF or STFU.
Don’t just sit there and bitch.
/rant over.
@janbb I hoped you might crack and set us savages free!
@faye I have had my fair share of rubber necking too. Twisted knickers are quite fascinating.
I adore fluther more than hate it, but I seriously think I may have a brain aneurism the next time someone says what I say and gets all the attention. I have needs dammit!!!!
@DominicX Amen!
@DominicX “If you don’t like the quality, IMPROVE IT YOURSELF or STFU.”
Agreed! I also like the suggestion someone had here to simply skip over questions that do not appeal to you. Very nice response.
@liminal Alas – my days as a lion tamer are too far behind me.
@DominicX @rangerr If you read my details, you might get the idea that what I was trying to do was lighten the atmosphere.
@janbb Correct me if I’m wrong, but I don’t see anything past the official bitch question….
The details paragraph above it?
Everyone is bitching about a question about bitching because everyone is bitching. Crapoli.
@janbb ahem…
1. You only get to post only once.
2. You cannot respond to anyone else’s post.
3. Absolutely no lurve can be awarded
Section 4.3.102 of the Fluther rules of engagement clearly states that any rules imposed by the poster apply to the poster and that means YOU!! ;)
@janbb Nope…I had it set to stun…now dance!!!! <<taser>><<taser>><<taser>>
I can’t dance; I’m too tired. Can’t I just die?
@janbb Yes. here’s real shotgun for your troubles. Just remember, you respawn right outside red base, so they’ll probably kill you immediately after.
I won’t dance, don’t ask me. Merci beaucoup.
@Fred931 I don’t even want to ask what that means!
@janbb We’re playing Halo… right? RIGHT?!
Look out for the grunts. They are jerks.
I lurve that @janbb said fuck…hehe
Oh, you should read some of my pms.
I thought that we could only post once.
Am I the only sucker who follows the rules?
It’s kinda fun breaking them
@wilma I gave everyone a hall pass when they started ignoring me. (I’m such a leader!)
<<respawns>> Taser anybody??
Hey, I was in a very light mood when I wrote that. :)
@DominicX Cool. I wanted this to be the anti-heavy thread!
I hate that fluther would let someone taser me, humpf.
Ah, fluther.
My only complaint is that if this question was asked by someone with a lower lurve score, it would have gotten modded.
Ok I am going to bitch about fluther. I love this place too darn much. My overall productivity is down. I waste too much time here because it’s too awesome damn it. Look. I haven’t even paid my bills yet because I’ve been fluthering. My dishes need done. But what am I doing? I’m on fluther. That must mean I’m addicted or something. So fluther should come with a ‘warning may become habit forming’ label. And they should uhmm… .start a fluther rehab or something.
The iPhone app needs a lot of work. The “Ask” feature is broken.
@wilma <<Taser>> Would you like another?? <<Taser>> That one was on me! lol!
It was a very simple and clear post.
I almost broke the rule, well I did by giving this (second) answer.
But I wanted to show self control. For once.
At least I held out further then others. ;-)
@ChazMaz And you get an award for self-control, kiddo.
@Cruiser yes please. ;)
@ChazMaz I tried to follow the rules too, you held out longer than I did
Milo here; The 7th ended too quickly. I still have a huge list of insults (all true) to direct towards Gail. I brought her my first mouse of the season yesterday, for example, and she didn’t have the courtesy to eat it. I ask you?
@Milo Maybe you need to start your own thread, Pussycat.
Milo here; I’m much too busy, but maybe next winter. And since my agent says I might get a gig soon as a stand-up (or quadripedal) comic, I don’t want to give it away free here.
@Milo Unlike the rest of us who give it away free here all the time.
@Milo Molly here, I would’ve ate the mouse. @gailcalled is just not appreciative of your talents.
@Molly: Well, we always knew where you fall on the bell curve. It’s a good thing you are handsome. Love, Gail
My horses could eat your cats for snack!
I was led to believe that horses were vegetarians. xox, Milo
They are, but they’ve been known to bite our barn cat.
I lurve Fluther and most of the people on here…..
Anyone who has been here less than 2 years sucks. ~
^^Said by someone who thinks he knows something about wine.
@gailcalled Does that mean any whine younger that 2 years old sux?
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