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What is your opinion of the practice of breeding pedigreed dogs and cats for sale?
i have a friend who purchased a male and female cat (i won’t say what type since if she ever comes across this site she may figure out who i am and who i’m talking about) for the sole purpose of mating them and selling the kittens to make extra money. the female cat has about two litters of kittens a year and my friend recently purchased another female.
my personal opinion of this is that it’s terrible that there are so many stray cats and dogs, and the animal shelters are filled with unwanted pets, pet stores are being stocked by puppy mills and here is someone who is intentionally mating cats to sell. she is not alone in doing this – there are many “breeders” all over who apparently do the same thing, and the kittens all get sold. my friend gets advance orders by people who are looking for purebred cats. i think it’s selfish, but maybe i’m wrong. i am looking for people’s opinions….
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